I think that does happen but luckily, the people that posts comments on the YouTube videos are probably non-throwers and only go on the video because of the thumbnail.
NathanC, what you’ve said was already discussed a few pages earlier. If only you read through all 7 pages you wouldn’t have written something that sparked Totalartist and Ed a long response to your post. I’m not even repeating what the two had said because they already said what I wanted to say.
Us men are very privileged, and it’s time for us to recognize it. Not be ignorant and believe that us guys are the ones who are at a disadvantage and we’re being ‘threatened’.
Very few want to believe that they’re sexist.
It benefits society, the yoyo community, and the world in general when we consider if our self perspective is accurate. How many, can honestly say they have never acted sexist in some regard?
The challenge is to actually be able to look at yourself and see what’s there, to be honest, to make change. It’s not that you are a sexist or you’re not, it’s that you believe that sexism is wrong and you constantly strive to demonstrate that with word and deed. You have to recogonize where sexism resides before you can deal with it. Society, the yoyo community and the world also needs to take the stand “we won’t tolerate sexist behavior.” This is the statement being made currently, by many.
Self honesty isn’t always easy or even pleasant but should always be a goal. Well anyway there’s my perspective on the subject.
I’ve been accused of many things over the course of this debate (both within this discussion and on other social networks) and it’s about time I say something. First off, I am guilty of making a video that was not only interpreted as sexist, but also provided our community with an outlet to tag onto what already seemed like an attempt to bring down women yo-yoers as a whole. For that, I am absolutely sorry, and I take full ownership for my actions.
However, what I will not tolerate are the demeaning comments I’ve seen describing me as a person. Yes, I’ve seen the nasty things many higher members of this community have said about me on more seclusive forums, and yes, I know that many of you think less of me. However, I’d like to remind you that I made that video with Ann’s permission. Not only did I ask her for her permission, but to further verify her consent, Ann and I had a phone call while she was the first to watch the unlisted video prior to its release. No, that doesn’t make what the video caused just, however, it absolutely validates my integrity. I am many things, but I am not a sexist, nor am I a bad person. I am someone who tried to make a friend of mine laugh when she needed to laugh, which in my book, is an indication of my decency. I made an innocent mistake and have been heavily penalized.
I’d also like to remind you that I have remained silent about this matter up until now. I’m really unhappy how quickly many of you have jumped to your conclusions. Honestly, if this issue keeps up the way that it’s been going, where one man points his finger at the other, we will continue to fight and arrive at no solution. This type of issue doesn’t need accusations and pointed fingers, it needs action. It takes a communal effort, and all I’ve seen up to this point are individuals yelling at other individuals. The next time a female yo-yo player releases a video, how about calling out the sexist comment instead of complaining about it? This isn’t to say that Jeff’s, Ed’s, and Drew’s posts were unproductive, because in fact, they are the reason this issue is being addressed. Without their posts we would have never arrived here. However, now that we’re aware, there’s no use in arguing. We just need to take action. Awareness only lasts so long before it dissipates.
I’m really not trying to make enemies over this issue. In fact, it would be more productive for us not to be enemies because it would only distract from the issue at hand. I have a lot of respect for Ann, Tessa, Corli, or any other female yo-yoer. What I suggest is that people remain conscious of the issue, and make sure that they do their part in preventing it. That means telling Mr. BIST he can’t continue to objectify Ann and treat her womanhood like a piece of trash. That means disliking, and calling out sexist posts and comments. That means not drawing more attention to it as to advertise bad, sexist behavior. Just use your brains.
To anybody offended by my video, I take full and complete responsibility. I apologize for my actions, and in the future, I will remain conscious of how my public actions could be taken by those that aren’t “in on the joke.” I don’t really know what else I can do aside from begging for your forgiveness, but I really don’t think that’s necessary.
I will defend you until the abyss, Gram Grem Grame Garm Graeme.
Thank you for speaking out, Graeme. As for me, I did not think it was offensive at all. Though it is understandable that the video you made may be interpreted otherwise, I know it wasn’t your intention at all. But I don’t want you to blame yourself and beat yourself up because of the video. I made this thread not to burn those who are guilty and put them to shame, but to bring up that this injustice exist. Nothing against the individual. And I do not tolerate personal attacks because of one’s actions and you certainly don’t deserve the stuff you’ve gotten.
But yes, you are right. Awareness is first step. Action is second. It will be really tough to change our actions, but nothing’s impossible.
Once again, thank you so much, Graeme.
Oh, I guess I did not get the memo.
Thanks Steve and Ed for dropping my name, I appreciate it.
Pretty darn ridiculous though since its out of context and utterly not what your trying to paint on me and Brett.
I have a heck of a lot more respect to female players then most do in this community.
But I’m sure you would not want to care of that.
Thats chill, sall good if you don’t.
Onedrop already has a female player that helps all the time and has a great relationship to the company.
She is not sponsored because its unnecessary.
Sexism is bad. And as more female throwers come into the community, its bound to happen more.
Doesn’t mean it is allowable. I applaud the OP for making this post as well as Jeff. You did good.
For what it’s worth, Zammy, some of us could recognize your particular response on Instagram as the innocuous response that it was. It was as innocent as saying “hi” when you read it in the correct context.
I wanted to mention to any and all that I think this is a positive thread so far, even though there’s a bit of acrimony here and there. It’s a touchy subject, and as someone mentioned earlier, some people are honestly not aware that they have some sexist attitudes; this thread might at least give them pause and reason to self-reflect. Thanks for starting it, kuyaChristian! I, too, think there’s sexism in the yoyo community (as there is, unfortunately, in all communities), and I’m not even really a part of it… I’ve never met anyone else who yoyos other than colleagues that I got on board, and I’ve never been to a contest. Even still, just being on this forum you can see that it’s out there.
In any event, I ramble… wanted to say that this thread has generated a lot of positive conversation and I hope that any injured feelings can be set aside once people understand each others’ positions. Don’t let personal hurt get in the way of the greater good this conversation can bring.
The yoyo community has been a part of my life for almost a decade. I’ve never been heavily involved in it, but I’ve been to a few competitions, and I’ve lurked the forums for a loooong time. But in the end, the yoyo “community” is just a group of people that like the same item.
The fact that we all like yoyos does not exempt this group from having bad people in it. We’ll have sexists. We’ll have racists. We’ll have homophobes, and so on and so forth. It should most certainly be addressed whenever possible, however it won’t ever be fixed.
Not true! If this were my parent’s generation, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Homophobia, racism, sexism… these are all things that people are slowly but surely starting to look at and think (and even better, SAY) “For real? You REALLY think that way?” It’s a badge of shame.
Doesn’t mean it’s eradicated overnight, but I do think things are changing. “Won’t ever” is simply not true, unless we suddenly stop having conversations like this.
It won’t ever be completely fixed. It may become less common (which is definitely happening), but it’s not going to stop entirely. There will always be bad people who are full of hate, and they will always need an avenue through which they vent that hatred.
I think a better idea than having a general conversation about it on a forum, it’d be better to talk to people personally when they’ve done something sexist or some other type of badness. I’m not saying to blast them on a forum or anything, but maybe shoot a respectful PM to them explaining why what they did was wrong. It won’t always work, but it’ll be a lot better than a peanut gallery full of people talking about how wrong that person is. (Note: I don’t think this entire thread has behaved like that, but there seem to be a few instances)
There is really only one thing you have to say… Immaturity. We are all immature at times… most of us grow up… some of us dont. And those that don’t end up womanless anyway so the world works itself out. That being said… there a ton of perv’s in the world… Brush it off… Ignore it… you can’t stop it from happening so just dont let it get to ya.
Keep it up ladies… Damn the man - Save the empire
You all should go to your local library or favorite search engine and rent/stream/download “Killing Us Softly.” There are four or more installments in the series and it’s a lecture series on sexism in advertising by Dr. Jean Kilbourne. I knew that sexism existed in advertising, but I was amazed by some of her observations regarding different ads and the subliminal messages within them. I haven’t seen an ad the same since.
Great discussion here, but some people are just looking for reasons to attack each other and to spread the notion that the world is broken, the community is broken, and there’s no fixing it. That’s not exactly helpful. The meow thing is weird, though I don’t know that we should be splitting hairs when we could just as easily talk about actual sexism concerning any girl in the competition scene. I was this close to meeting Ann (holding hands apart) and I didn’t because she was literally being swarmed by nervous, sweaty, boys and I’m too old to be her fanboy. I think she and other women struggle more than I’ll pretend to understand, but I do not like to hear that the problem won’t be fixed because I just have to say, not with that attitude.
The benefit of being a part of a community is that the “acceptable” standard of society does not have to be good enough. The bar can be raised, and we can be better. That’s progress. There’s always going to be growing pains with that progress, and I think the way this convo has gone reflects that, but the net result is for the better.
So I had fun with a person who posted the word meow and I typed rawr hahaha I mean meow is being sexist?
It’s called friendly interaction with a person hence the laughter!
Nice attempt at a witch hunt and trying to ruin someone’s name typical Steve brown bs!
I have actually told kids that some comments are not appropriate on Ann’s stuff and should be deleted guess that doesn’t hold merit huh?
A playful comment joking on her initial playful
Comment nothing more nothing less
Do I really intimidate you that much Steve that you got to try and ruin me how ever you can?
Why don’t you tell the world how you were behind yoyo factory bullying gsquared with a bs lawsuit on the 2nd day we announced we were a company?
We saved the pm’s just for memorabilia
How about you walking around on world on a string documentary with a child in one hand and a beer in the other? how does that promote positivity or good wholesome values?
Seems this is nothing more then another lame attempt by you to make me look bad and you the good one. I really must of impacted you in one way or another for you to try so many ridiculous attempts to ruin me.
i’ve never met you, brett (or you, dan). i’m not in a position to evaluate your relationship with steve or anyone else, i don’t think anyone is trying to ruin anyone. i’ve definitely said things that were [correctly] interpreted as objectionable in some way from a position of privilege, and been called out on them. if that screenshot had involved any other well-known players, my reaction would have been the same: a bit creepy.
it’s easy to throw your hands up and say ‘these guys just don’t like me’, but some of us are actually way more interested in the topic than in labeling you as a bad guy (which, incidentally, i don’t think is the case).
Ed is was nothing more then boredom and playful banter to a picture. Nothing more nothing less, same can be said for Zammy.
But this isnt the first time Steve has tried to turn people against me or zammy for that matter in the most ridiculous of fashions.
No disrespect taken, and no disrespect given.
I have made over 800 videos, I smoke, not once do you see me smoke in a video, I cuss like a sailor around appropriate friends, not once do I let my mouth fly in those videos.
Its things like this that speak volumes about me as a person, and as a role model in the community, I have ALWAYS kept it proper. I know that children see my posts, I know that children look up to me, as they do you. And I can say that you have also never done anything to make anyone think otherwise.
A playful comment is just that, she was being playful, she is a fellow yoyoer that I respect, she also probably thought nothing of it.
Its Steve thats taking that comment out of context and running with it, in a smear campaign to label me as sexist. Quite the opposite really. Take Tessa I have supported her since day one, I have encouraged her, I have told her she is going to be great, not SEXIST.
I have told people as I said before to act civilized in some of Ann’s pictures, same in McKenna’s.
This really really bothers me, and not a way I wanted to start my monday morning seeing someone send me a PM saying Steve Brown is labeling me as a sexist.
Just a few thoughts…
How you mean something is not always how it comes across and it’s not always the person it’s intended for who gets offended, it can be anyone who sees it.
Also joking about such issues and always trying to defend yourself (instead of just admitting it as something that could have come across as offensive, and saying sorry to those it might have offended) as I have seen here and on other medias just adds to insult. It also doesn’t help anything, it just causes those who already butt heads to butt heads, and certainly doesn’t make an inviting scene for anyone new trying to come in and make yoyoing their thing.
playfull or not, does not make it ok. we were just joking around is not an excuse.
oh i was bored? wow
i also found it distasteful and a bit creepy as well.
and let me just say if I think its wrong or bad. its prolly pretty bad and distastefull
This thread is ridiculous, as the OP was mwentioning youtube comments, youtubers will be youtubers. Deal with it. The world is not a nice place and people are going to say subjective things about people. Big Deal.