Send Some Love to the Koloskis

I know this isn’t yo-yo related, but the General Forum is where it’ll get the most exposure and since it was set up by Andre himself, I hope he (and the mods) will let me get away with a minor rule-dodge this once. My sincerest apologies if Andre or the mods feel that this is in any way inappropriate, I mean only well.

Simply posting this to provide the link to those who may be unaware. :slight_smile:


Wow, that goal got met fast.
That’s pretty cool.

I really hope all that money goes through, I would hate for the money to bounce after they got their hopes up.

That got met so fast though!

For home care, $3k is just a drop in the bucket. :frowning:

Please, let’s keep sharing this link around and let’s raise as much as we can for the Koloski family!