Sell astrojax!

So, today I tied two duncan CW’s and a yyf hubstack on a string and got some bootleg astrojax. These things are Really really fun, like 5a, without the weight of the yoyo. However, it is a little unstable, so, I bet if ye were to sell some astrojax, they would give a few smiles to some people.

Ok, one thing people must understand. counterweights for astrojax are NOTHING like the real thing. The counterweights done slide like aj balls will, and the weight is much to light to try to make some real tricks with. If you are really looking into getting into astrojax, get yourself a real set. It will take you far.

Now that that is out of the way.

I must say I agree. It would be so awesome if AJ’s could be sold at YYE, the AJ community is small right now but its been getting allot of good publicity, and I think if they could be sold at YYE, its popularity would grow even more.

Wonder what its like to AJ?

Yay for point of view footage.

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awesome video. i agree we shold have AJ on this website.

I couldn’t agree more.  Yoyoexpert is probably the most visited yoyo site on the internet, so it will help Astrojax’s grow more.  After all, YYE does already have Spin Tops.

second behind yyn

are those aquas i also astrojax and im sponsered

Really? Do you have any videos? I used to have a pair, and I swung em’ around I thought I was a pro XD

I really love to play with AJ. I would definitely buy from here if they sold them.