Secret santa list

When do we find out who we ship to?

He will pm it to us.

I know but I ment like when will he.

He will PM it to you.

Well I have 3 YoYos ready for some one :slight_smile:

Are we supposed to ship something around the value of like a gently used protostsar or northstar( that is not what I am shipping btw)

here you go :

I’m probably sending about $70.00 worth of yo-yos and yoyo related stuff that I just don’t use anymore. But long as it is at least $20.00 you are good to go. I wouldn’t send out anything that your afraid you might be upset if you get something in return you don’t like. The stuff I am sending I just don’t use anymore so anything in return would be great. Just have the right mindset when doing this and you won’t be disappointed.

Sounds like fun! Sign me up!!!

Are we expecting PM’s today?

Pm’d hope Im not too late

The SS entry date has come and gone. Entry is now closed!

Those of you that have entered will be receiving a pm with your secret santa recipient’s name and address. You can let them know who you are only in the package. Not before. You do not HAVE to let them know though.

yay, made it in ;D

Randomizing as we speak.

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Just got back from the store, getting stuff for my secret santa pull. Should be able to ship tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on when those address PMs come out :slight_smile:

All secret santa pm’s will be given out tomorrow evening. It’s getting very late here and I’m out of time. Everyone has a person though.


I’ve run out of time since it came a tad later, so I’ll be shipping tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Got mine, Someones gonna get a high end metal :p.

Just got my pm, gathering up the stuff as we speak. I hope the person likes.

I may be able to ship off tomorrow, however if finals get in the way (I presume they will) A Wednesday ship time is inevitable.