Samad & Ibanezcollector Present "THE BATTLE ROYALE" Contestants are in...

PM me your entries you got 3 more days I have only received Samads, and my Own…

get filming slackers.

This will be goooood. :wink:

Why give us a deadline then complain about us taking to long :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t wait to see everyone’s video. It will be hard to choose a winner, as competition is high.

Mine should be done today.

this will be so cool :o :o :o

Brett, I just thought of something.

If you’re going to put up a poll for this elimination where all of us are against each other, then you’re going to get at least three ppl knocked out in the first round because they will have exactly one or two votes, or maybe even zero if ppl are honest.

We could put the videos in March Madness style or something to fix that.

I say whoever is tied they use the same vid and and make another poll for people to vote who wins the tie. Or let them vote for 2 people.

tomorrow is the due date, were missing 3 videos, get cracking slackers :slight_smile:

Yeah ok… I still havn’t got my yoyo yet so I’ll use my old one I guess.

Last day for entries. If its not in by 12AM EST then your disqualified.

I got 4 of 6

If you don’t get one in, I would love to join. let me know.

me too, even tho i dont have a good vid, i would just use a one throw one that is already shot

Missing videos: JM and Fusion777.

Happy Throwing! =]

Hey guys, I have to drop out. :’( I didn’t have the foresight to upload and send the video and I forgot the responsibilities I had today. I’ll upload it later in the video section so you guys can see the awesomeness, lol.

I’ll jump on this opportunity, then. :smiley:

I’d like to take JM’s spot, por favor.

How long do I have to take his spot? I want to participate!

ill be in

Kim’s got the spot

Ahh alright. Kim will make it more interesting anyways ^^