
is anyone else that plays runescape happy with thier new update? cause i know i have been waiting a long time for this

What exactly is this update? Do the people actually have joints in the right places now!

loll no but it brings back old wilderness an free trade, i like it, but i dont know if others do

i played this game in like fifth grade so…

old wilderness and free trade :smiley: IM PLAYING IT NOW!

idk how people deal with those graphics or how that game is still alive? 6 years ago i was playing rpgs with better graphics/gameplay.

That is what is fun about it.

It’s content is infinite nearly and it can run on computers running windows 98? lol

LOL is the membership still overruling everyone?

yepp ^

For all of you who play runescape check out other RPGs that are similar yet “better”. Everyquest 1 for instance or Diablo II would be a step up. If graphics and gameplay don’t bother you then stick with the old times. Also raise your hand if you still run 98! I doubt anyone here does, and that doesn’t make it GOOD. That makes it playable on an outdated OS.