Rub away bead blasting?

Hey guys, I just read ratfacedudeguy’s Punchline review. In it he talks about a Flaw with it where the Bead Blast is on the bearing seat and it chews through string. Is there anything I can do to fix that on mine? I’ve heard some stuff about denim but will it work on anno’d & bead blasted stuff?

this should be all the info you need

<3 u Q! Thanks a lot. Do you know if the color will get worn off though?

It may, it may not. More than likely no. And its just around the dearing seat remember!

No, not the bearing seat, its the outside of the bearing seat, where the gap of the yoyo is. The color shouldn’t wear off.

Read Shisaki!! :wink:

The color doesn’t wear off at all. I rubbed mine down with the rough side of my leather belt for probably a combined total of an hour. You’ll be able to feel it smooth out before you see it.

Oh…I though you meant the walls surrounding the seat haha.