I was happy to open my mailbox this morning and see my punchline sitting there waiting. I started throwing it immediately but noticed excessive string wear after only 10 minutes. I replaced the string with a new one and again checked it after 10 minutes. Here is a pic of the strings.
It would be a shame if someone were to ding their beautiful new punchline when it could have been prevented. More than an hour of play and my new string still looks like new.
I’m not sure if that’s so good. It could be bad for your bearing, and be rubbing against your response. The problem with the strings is the problem with a beadblasting. They blast it above the surface where the response would go, and the string rubs against that which makes it all weird. You can easily fix that with taking a rag or cloth that’s rough, and rub it there besides using that stuff. It may also depend on what string your using. So what string are you using?
I think it’s all of them. Because with the first run Punchlines it had the same problem, so I’m assuming all. My SPYY Pro also has the same problem, but I haven’t cared to fix it or anything. But whatever.
I believe the orange/yellow is a highlight and the purple/green/white is a 100% poly string. I know the problem was with the finish, that’s why I used the Meguiars and a wool sweater on the yoyo. I’m not sure how this could be bad for the bearing or the response system so please be more specific. The compound only sped up the process which you suggested.
It is the gold etched version but the wear on the string is is obviously a result from the just above the response system (though it may be hard to see from the pic):