Riforgiate Design - Prototype Run

@Simyo might already have an STL file.


I’d be interested in that too. Or a DXF. I can model it myself, but it’s always useful to compare.

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I made brake pad deletes a few years ago, to add response pads in place of brake pads. I can double check the file and just extrude it to brake pad thickness. Yoyofactory currently sells the original thickness brake pads.


YYF is my source for the cork pads, yeah, but I’m looking to make some from a silicone rubber using a vinyl plotter. Either I’ll make the cut path with a DXF sourced by someone else or I’ll make the cut path with measurements I make myself.


I’d be curious to see how those turn out. How much for like 3 sets once you get them up and going?

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Didn’t really plan on selling them, don’t even know if they will work, sometimes my crackpot 3d printing ideas work great and sometimes they crash and burn haha. If they do work I’ll toss 3 sets into the mail for you for free though.

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I’d appreciate that! The more I can test out the better.

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sign me up for one!


Go ahead and fill out the order form and I’ll toss an invoice at you! I’m hoping to make chips in late February with the first units delivered in march. I’ll be designing the fixtures and coming up with programs over the next few weeks.


Looking at the revision history of this post here, Imma tell you that I actually really appreciate that kind of information. I’m looking at prototyping my own pads out of not cork and I was looking for an alternative. I’ll check out neoprene!

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I’ve gotten enough of the deposits in that I officially have a budget! I’ll be making my first fixturing order in the next few days.

We are sitting at 21 ordered units across 19 orders. Orders are still open until the end of January!


Deposits are making moves.


Ti and cork, a dream come true! In for two! :tada:

I need to dig out my cork pads…


2 questions regarding the name, and forgive me if it’s been brought up:

1 how the heck do you pronounce it
2 what does it mean?

I mean no disrespect at all, I think this is an AMAZING project and I really really look forward to seeing this grow!!!

I’m just a bit perplexed by the name. I truly hate to say this and I might edit it later, but it gives Watieboo vibes :see_no_evil:

Again, incredible work, loving what I am seeing!

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Riforgiate is his last name. Queen Bee is the YoYo name. Unless I missed something.


Correct! Seemed an ok name for the business, at least to start out.


My great grandfather Americanized it coming over from Italy. The original is Riforgiato, as far as i can tell it means “one who reforges.” In English, kind of a counterpart to the name Smith. A Smith (Forgiato) makes a thing, a reforger fixes it.


That’s very cool origin to the name.


Thank you for clarifying! I was definitely reading that incorrectly, and the the phonetic spelling sounds good and the story is great!


Which server is this? Have an invite?