Riforgiate Design - Prototype Run

I assumed those where break pads like the old playmaxx ones which are the same as the new ones yyf is selling today


That’s my source!


I appreciate the vote of confidence!


@Shwa I got to meet @Lotaxi IRL at the last DXL meet. He brought his protos for us to try and is a nice, genuine dude with some unique throws. He has an organic that plays like a lighter Torrent, and his version of the bee is a fun one to just throw around!

Best of luck king!


I’ll do my best to live up to that!

I’ll post about the RippleDrop at some point, too, I’m sure.

I’ve got a couple V2 protos I’m gonna cut the next time I’m using the lathe. Goal is to recess the pads and add a couple grams like was mentioned when you tried out V1


Would flowable silicone also work or am I asking for my knuckles to be busted?


I don’t have any data on that just yet, but I’ve heard that was a solution used when the old Playmaxx models started running out of pads.

I’m sure the answer would likely be yes, though you’d need to figure out a good way to protect the bearing seat since there’s no wall outside of the spokes in the pad pocket… I could see about machining an A size blank that could be used as a barrier? Definitely something interesting to test when I have a few more units cut!


Thanks everyone for making that real easy…… I kinda figured, but with all the hubbub as of late, I thought I would get it out of the way. @Captrogers @GTDropKnot @SR1

@Lotaxi , I’m in to help. Form submitted. Excited to try the Queen Bee. She has Ti Silver Bullet vibes. A dual bearing system would be cool.

Can you tell us a little about your machine shop? I’ve got CMM’s, both tactile and optical if you need measurements! ZEISS baby.


I’ve tried one of his prototypes and ordered two of my own. Should be able to report on the results in January.


First order I’m cutting next year!


I’m in for an “early” and a “late”


I work for a small medical product development company on the central coast of California and my boss lets me use the machines for my own purposes after hours. I use the opportunity to learn new techniques and find interesting things to do in my free time as a hobby.

We are a super low volume shop since we primarily produce engineering samples for client inventions, but I’ve got a fair bit of CNC capability between our 3 axis mill, 2 axis lathe, and wire-Edm. Outside of cutting we’ve also got a pretty broad spectrum of electronics capability, a heat treatment oven, a laser marker, and an injection molder. There’s more that I’m not thinking of, I’m sure. We’ll be bringing in a 5 axis mill and a submerged W-EDM with a rotary axis soon. A dream for the future would be to have a multichannel or Swiss style lathe with a few live tools and a bar feeder.

We have a pretty large 5-axis Mitutoyo touch probe CMM that we got in recently. It’s an older model, though, and I still need to figure out how to use it, so it’s not particularly useful to me right now. If you’re used to optical CMM stuff and don’t mind questions, i might actually pick your brain about measurement methods for tiny parts separate from the yoyo stuff. I’ll be using a laser confocal microscope to measure some incredibly tiny parts in the near future.


Oh no, deals off.

Just kidding! lol. That’s super cool that your boss lets you at it after hours. Do you have a training path for the Mitutoyo? I may have a contact if not.

I’m happy to talk metrology any time. I have a pretty extensive background with both CMM and optical and can also use a bunch of it after hours.


No training path yet, no. We are building out some improvements to the shop at the moment, so setting it up has taken a back seat for the most part and we haven’t really looked.

Whereabouts are you located?


I’m way over here in Rochester NY. I’ve got a contact that used to sell Mitutoyo. He may know some folks out your way. Come the new year I can ask. I also know a guy that used to be an apps engineer for Mitutoyo. He’s in Texas and last I knew he was doing some freelance stuff.


I’ll absolutely look at taking you up on that when the time comes! At the moment I’m working my way toward using our Keyence VX system. We need to measure some stuff that’s damn near microscopic.

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Over the course of 2 days I’ve got orders for 17 units across 15 orders so far! Thanks everyone!

If we blow past the 20-25-ish units I was aiming to have ordered I’ll be able to lower the price a bit. 10% price break at 35 units, 17.5% at 50 units, 25% if we manage to hit 75 units. I should stay comfy with budget since the added material cost will also go down with volume.

Plan would be to keep the deposit at $75 but then lower the second half to reflect where we end up.


I had an idea about a cork alternative: I recently bought a vinyl plotter that can put out a fair bit of force. I’m gonna try to cut some brake pads from a few different silicone materials and see how they go. If it goes well, I’ll include some with the proto orders if people are interested.


I’ve been thinking to myself the pads might also be 3d printable. It’s just a thought right now. But I’m sure I’m gonna try once I get my hands on one.

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Planning to use TPU or something?

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I want to try this stuff but TPU if that fails.