I’m pretty sure SPECs come dry, so its probably not that.
It may be that your throw makes the yoyo vibrate, ad it becomes responsive because of that. Try a light finger test, and then see if its responsive still.
Or it could be one of the pads, make sure both are all the way in.
but one thing I gotta ask…Gray Highlight? Is there such thing?
Well, if you did the triangle laceration successfully…triangles can make the yo-yo unexpectedly bind, and if you drop it, you’ll add an extra loop into the bearing, making it responsive.
It’s prolly not the right answer, but variety is good.
Like Paolo said… Probably the pads… make sure their flush…
Never hurts to clean, lube and break in the lube, with the bearing… A quick way to see if its the bearing is to try playing the yoyo with a different bearing that you know works well and put the SPEC in the other yoyo… If the 888 plays better and the other yoyo becomes snaggy its the bearing… contact Ben and Im sure you could get it replaced… If the 888 still plays bad, and the other yoyo plays fine or bad with the spec… it could be the yoyo or the yoyo and the bearing… Then you might want to contact Ben again…
Also, you can try removing the bearing completely from the seat and make sure that there’s not any junk caught in the bearing seat. I’ve had a couple times where I’ve had hair stuck in the bearing seat and made the yo-yo play responsive
Make sure you add a tiny drop of lube, then break it in. SPEC bearings come dry, and for this reason many die on a lot of people. So make sure you lube it first, so it won’t die on you.