Regreting YoYo Purchases

the henry cobra. it was my first real yoyo and at the time i liked it. but i decided to have bit of a throw with it the other day. and wow, it aint pretty.

it cant touch my BVM, 5*, DNA or the rest of my yoyos.

although i didnt actually buy it. my friend got it me for my birthday.

I forgot to mention another yoyo…

I tottaly disliked the freehand v2, and the PGMv2. The PGM, felt to responsive even with K pads and the bearing was a china made bearing, not the normal YYF spec bearing…they went tottaly ghetto on it, and the hubstacks made it worse…most of all not worth 40 bucks…

IDK maybe its me…

that was me! lol i used to love that yoyo! haha! wish id have come on here and asked about it first! lol

i gotta say i was a bit disappointed with my c13! got so exited when i got it, not i hardly ever play it! id cell it but tbh i just like having it in my collection lol! i play with it occasionally but after 5 mins i get my P2 out! the best yoyo ever imo! P2 FTW!!! WOOOO!!! lol

Hot shot.
DEFINETLY!!! :slight_smile:

I want!!!

It totally sucks. Lol

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Throw Monkey pbfft…SUCKED

Freehand 2 end of story… also i dont really like my Hayabusa anymore… i tried my friends bigyo and I loved it…

seems like people are mainly hating 888’s, PGMv2, and Duncan Freehands v1 and v2

totally true, loved it for a little while, got better, then it sucked…lol :stuck_out_tongue:


The first time I got it, I was like oh cool this anno job is awesome(YYG edition) but then after a while I was like “Wow this thing is not that great.”

the hitman its okay but just not me

Dark Magic.

Production ship with an identical bearing from the identical factory.

Wow, this post goes to show you it trully is all about preference! So many differences… ;D

haha insert foot. lol

i’ed go new breed. i borrowed it from a friend and it was fun for a week or two but then it was really just dull, i like my dm, and metals better

I actually enjoy my new breed

aoda 888 fake…terrible

I like how most people hate their 888s this makes me glad I didn’t get one!

i actually love my 888