Random yoyoing did-you-knows

Czech Republic has 4 mortar stores, that focus mainly on yo-yos. And two of them are just 15 minute walk from each other.

Prague weekly “yo-yo meets”(well, sitting with friends in pub) now include yo-yo players from USA, Canada and Brazil.

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Say “hi” to Jeff Pang for me. :wink:

Sure, actually, he is studying on same university as me :slight_smile:

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Did you know, that throwing a yoyo normally when the string isn’t attached can really hurt your toes?

Did you know that yoyos were invented as a weapon? Legos and bicycles were too.

did you know in the game terraria yoyos are used as weapons

^ Did you know if you use a yoyo as a weapon against somebody that has a tire iron you’ll probably lose?

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^^Did you know if you bring a yoyo to a gun fight, you have a 99% chance of losing, but a 1% of winning.

Wrong. Your stats would be reversed if the person with the gun was legally blind. Or how about if the person with the yoyo happens to have a bigger gun in his non throw hand? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh of course. I totally forgot about the legally blind and bigger gun factors. :stuck_out_tongue:

I always thought this first part was a myth.
The legos are totally weapons though.
Like little landmines in the middle of the night.

Green Triangles are not always green.

Velvet Rolls don’t actually feel like velvet.

Bee sting isn’t a real bee sting.

The C3yo M.O.V.E doesn’t always move.

The YYF Regen doesn’t always do regens.

If you play with a YYF Shu-Ta, it’s a first person Shu-Ta

The YYF Cypher is not that hard to use if you know how to bind.

Did you know that a yo-yo that spun forever would suck?

cuz restrictions are nice and having definite endings makes tricks look nice. Imagine if you had a yo-yo that could spin forever… how soon would it get boring?

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haha mine is smarter den urs

yes my grandmother met the owner of YOYO store cz and he recommended me a orbit

Did you know that yoyoing was originally created by Donald Trump to ward off the forces of evil?

Did you know that if Trump gets into throwing I will srsly consider quitting?

(just my opinion, dont hurt me pls :'()

im not surprised :o :o :o :o

Did you know that magnetic bearings would be very hard to make?

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