Rain city skills dumpster fire 2020

A dumpster fire is not a bad thing. It creates heat and it’s a fire safely contained. A dumpster fire could be the difference between life and death for an unfortunate soul stuck on the streets out in the cold. How did it become a slang term for a bad situation?


I guess being equated to people down on their luck? But yeah, in actuality it’s not much like the chaotic disaster the slang term denotes.


That’s 100% fair for most brands, but it’s pretty on-brand for Rain City. We do the weird, the wild and the wonderful.

But you are right, I only did a small batch because it’s a collectors piece, a novelty. Like the Mighty Flea, it’s about the challenge, and the novelty of it.


I win!

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Wow, people on the internet really will defend anything.


I got a prototype in a mystery box a few weeks ago. This yoyo does not disappoint in its awfulness.
Here is my original feed back to @MrYoyoThrower:

I just had to drop you a line about the dumpster fire. You have outdone yourself with this one. The stoopid yoyo was a good yoyo with a couple silly tricks up its sleeves. The dumpster fire is a really well crafted yoyo, vibe free, really nice machine work and anodization, that plays so incredibly badly I can scarcely believe it. You were right in saying that even throwing a trapeze is a challenge. Somehow even manually winding the yoyo and getting the string to bind while doing so is difficult. Snapstarts usually take me several tries. If my throw isn’t dead straight, it dies really quickly. It’s remarkably hard to throw straight. Paradoxically the yoyo at random times like to be responsive. (response roulette) It’s like I either can’t get it to respond at all, or it responds (gently) when I don’t want it to. For example; I finally manage to get a good straight throw in and land a trapeze, pop it up to move into another trick and then boom it responds.

From the odd weight distribution, narrow → wide gap, concave wall, the narrow string contact area right at the rim, and so on, the most diabolical feature is the groove right next to the gap. That groove is so effective at capturing my string, and thanks to the wonky weight distribution it goes out of sorts very quickly, so I have no time to make a correction. Pure evil.

I have a good sized collection of the most hated terrible yoyos that have been made over the last 30 years. This is worse than all of them except in one very important aspect: it’s not going to hurt me – unless I do something really stupid. This yoyo will enjoy an honored place in that collection.

I’ve been yoyoing my entire life. I had long forgotten the intense frustration of trying to learn the basics of yoyoing. This thing has brought that back in vivid color.

You and Justin should be proud and ashamed of yourselves. Is there a word for that? Proudshamed? My only real concern is that some of your customers might be genuinely upset by this yoyo. It can only be considered playable if you’re very tolerant of frustration and enjoy a major challenge. I love it, but people expecting it to be more like the stoopid yoyo could be upset. This is not so much a yoyo as it is an artistic expression of the joys of 2020, and just like 2020 has been a dysfunctional year for many of us, this is a very dysfunctional yoyo. I hope your brave customers all understand that.


A barrel fire might be like that, which may be what you’re thinking of?

A dumpster fire is a different thing. It’s usually not set on purpose. The entire dumpster is huge, so being on fire is a monstrosity of a fire, meaning it’s difficult to put out. It’s typically up against a building, which means a fire burning that big, and getting that hot, has a high chance of setting a building on fire.


I was kind of making a joke…


My bad.

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I love that we live in a world where people can make good or terrible yoyos. I totally get the idea and thrill too. Like those disgusting Harry Potter jelly beans.


Whoever came up with: vomit, garbage and sausage flavored jelly beans, should be hit with a shovel until he gets better.


I genuinely need good laughs when I wake up. I owe you one man! Lmfao


Harsh, but more true words may have never been spoken.

There is already a glut of excellent yo-yos on the market. It’s refreshing to see someone meet the demand for terrible yo-yos.


YYF is now working on…the Gutter!


Turns out it’s just a dv888 with an A size bearing and starburst response


Just the other day I was working on accuracy by imagining the effective playable area of the yoyo being only the bearing itself. Then, I saw this PopCast and knew I absolutely had to have the Dumpster Fire, what with its near sting width catch zone and whatnot.

Should I play with the Dumpster Fire for a week straight, without picking up any other yoyos, and see what happens? Will it help me train to be more accurate or will it train me to hate yoyoing? Can it finger spin? Should I try to break in the responsive bearing?

The gutter on either side of the catch zone is diabolical. The Galactic Goose seemed weird for that, but this one is something else.

Can’t wait! :wink:


I think that’s kinda the point.

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My Dumpster Fire is out for delivery!!! Can’t wait to Hate!!!


Don’t threaten me with a good time.