Questions People ask you when YoYoing in Public that gets under your Skin


Being asked to walk the dog is almost guaranteed because it’s a public familiarity and favorite… Or put simply rule #9/66 be prepared to walk the dog on command. always.

The thing that irritates me the most is when I am trying to show a little kid yoyoing and get them started and the parent pulls them away and says “that is just a trick yoyo”. :-/

i got asked why do you wast your life playing yoyo all day >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(it made me so mad

what makes me mad is when people overuse smileys.

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Then just tell them why their question wasn’t very logical…

Or say “It’s really fun, so I figured wasting several years of my life would be worth it,” Or something along those lines, and sing trololo to yourself.

Yoyoing is so (sorry mods) colorful! I herd this a week ago and it really rustled my jimmie!

Admin edit: if you new better then why say it.


Can you do walk the dog?
Can i try that?
You have no life
get a life, its just a yoyo.

Some of us get upset when we yo in public and people say something, some get upset when people say nothing. Maybe those of us getting upset shouldn’t yo in public.

Just saying that some of us seem to get upset pretty easily. Ulcer canidates I suppose.

Can I use that for a sec? followed by “DING”
:-[ them

:frowning: me

Edit: let me just clarify, I really enjoy letting people see my yoyos. But when gramps comes and plays my dv888 like its a duncan butterfly, all I can do watch my yoyo start to look more “clear anodized” than i want…
This is how you handle that one!

I have yet to hear anything said to me whilst I’m performing that annoy’s me.  The “can i use that” is met with “can you bind”?  (no) “try this (dollar store) yoyo” instead.

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I never will understand why people find “Walk the Dog” to be the most impressive trick… I mean isn’t it cooler when you do a “Thumb Grind” or “Arm Grind”? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think its cool when people do. Usually its an old timer who says “man I Havent seen one of those since 68! O’course they were all wooden back then.” Older guys always seem the most interested. I’m always happy to answer questions cause around here you don’t see it that often. I only know one fellow thrower in the whole county. Lol

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Do u get a lot of hate your way? Sorry dude. Tell them to buzz off!

Its not about impressive, for most people it’s the only trick they’ve heard of, so its a function of how can they relate to you.

Let’s be honest here… There really isn’t any trick cooler than Walk the Dog (well, maybe the Daisy picture trick).

I mean, when you Walk the Dog, it’s just so obvious that you’re “walking a dog”. Whereas, something like Yuuki Slack, just makes you look like you’re trying to hard and no one can relate to it, “look, he’s flapping his arms about”.

True I suppose they are just taking what they know about yoyoing and trying to see someone do what “yoyoing” is in their mind.

coming back on this one

really, we shouldn’t be bothered when people show interest and my story is a good explanation why.

when I started a year ago in my little home town of 25.000 people, I was the only one who even knew about what was modern yoyoing.

so from time to time, people came up to me and asked me questions about yoyoing, asked me to show them some tricks and whatnot.

of course, they were impressed and when they told me that it should be hard, I replied that it wasn’t that hard and offered them to give it a try, I try to always have a plastic throw with me when I’m out throwing.

so if they have some time, we would go out for a drink, get to know each other and then I usually teach them the throw, the front bind and brain twister, which look impressive enough.

some of them got hooked, and today we’re a growing community, we made 1st page on the local newspaper, we have weekly meetings (some of them I meet almost daily) share tricks, and we all make better progress as we help each other out.

so if someone shows interest, take the time, explain a few tricks, show them what’s up, and maybe 6 months later, they’ll be showing you tricks and you’ll be helping each other to get better at yoyoing.

of course, you got the annoying dude that comes occasionally, which I usually just ignore.

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I hate it when ppl ask if its a real Yoyo… that doesn’t make sense