question on hubstacks

So yeah…what are they exactly and what to they do/what purpose do they serve? I see b/s/t that mentions yoyos with hubstacks and stuff, but I don’t really know anything about it.

they’re things some manufacturers put on yoyos so you can hold the yoyo while it spins. They have small bearings on a post, covered with the stack. There are a lot of different types of stacks (z stack, jimmy hats, tatas, hubstacks, rice stacks, RSMs, synergy caps) but they’re all for the same purpose.

A lot (aka most) people will say they’re gimmicky and get boring after 5 minutes, but some people love them. An alternative that’s more well liked are matador spikes, which are just pointy spikes that you can grab without slowing down the yoyo much. I don’t really think they work nearly as well, but that’s just me. They won’t slow down your yoyo at all though, so that’s a plus.


Oh ok. Thanks for the info. Seems interesting to try out. Maybe eventually I’ll get a yoyo with hubstacks. Maybe…lol

if you do, I would recommend a metal. perhaps an 888, g5, epic…
basically, a yoyo that will play well even if you end up not liking the stacks. The pgm is an okay introduction to stacks, but it plays like a rock on a string.