What do Hubstacks do? What are they for? Do I really need them when I get an all metal yoyo?
Hubstacks are bearings at the side of a yoyo with something you can grab. This makes the player able to literally grab the yoyo by its sides.
You don’t “need” hubstacks when you buy a metal yoyo. They are just for fun and you don’t see them in play at a lot of professional performances.
What all can you do with them? (I know what they are and I’ve seen them, but I just don’t know what they’re goo for)
You can grab them while the yoyo is spinning. You can pull start the yoyo aswell.
Example here.
awsome example, is that you in the vid logan?
No, that’s someone else
Yea, the guy in there looks about 7 years older than me o.O
Can you install Stacks on other yo-yos besides YYF?
The Axiom, Project, and Freehand Zero are able to take stacks, however there aren’t many others that can.
So if I buy a blood red Superstar with translucent hubstacks, can I take them out and put white ones in?
Add a meteor in there, there is an axle hole there, same size as the axiom. Just have to remove the caps first.