Hey guys, I need help on quite a few parts of Quantum, here’s the vid/tut/breakdown.
I need help on:
0:55-0:57, I have no idea what I do there, which way do I move my Non-throw hand?
0:58, Do I pop in between the 2 stirngs onto the back or do I pop to the back from the back?
1:05, Idk what strings I drop on both hands.
1:07, What do I do there?
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0:55: just use your non-throw hand to pinch the string, and use your throw hand to release the loop.
0:58: pop the yoyo from you to the back string.
1:05: it doesn’t drop, you just over-mount the yoyo onto the string.
1:07: use your thumb to hold the loop, and do a little trapeze, then pop out to the back string, DROP! After that, continue learning the tutorial.
Happy Throwing! =]
Thanks! I got everything down now except the last part. Which stirng do I pass the yoyo on to get into a GT?
Try to watch the last part to see what the yoyo is going. This should help a lot.
Happy Throwing! =]
most awesome trick keep up the awesome job.
Thanks, you just reminded me that I need to finish learning this trick ;D
I have problem… When I go to like double or nothing I just land on two strings 
Anyways when your swinging the yoyo around your fingers make the strings more spaced out so the yoyo lands on just the front string.