Help with a trick!


I’m trying to learn the following trick:

I find I’m struggling with the movement at 3:30. I can create the triangle, but when I try dropping the yoyo into it, the mount keeps slipping from the left side. This means I can’t drop it through the triangle.

Any tips?


i just wanted to say that’s a dope looking trick. gl with it! also happy cake day :tada:


Any chance you can take a video? I’m working through it slowly, but I’m not quite able to create what I think you mean. Is the string slipping off your hand on the left side? Falling off the yoyo?

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After messing around a bit more, I think I’m recreating your issue. If you look at ~2:28, you’ll see mrmatio stop, then move the yoyo further towards his NTH so that his NTH thumb is really clearly off to the right side of the yoyo before lowering it. If he had just starting lowering there, it might have rejected off the yoyo in a way that I think is what’s happening to you. Alternately, you might be pulling your NTH thumb back a little and causing the rejection rather than holding it steady.

Really exaggerate that placement at first, getting your NTH thumb on the side, and I think you’ll be able to get it.

Tried to show what I think you’re doing and what I mean in this video, if it’s not quite right let me know and I’ll give it another show.


Thanks for this. Will try again later today.

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So, gave it ago, and still finding 4 out of 5 times it slips out as I try to drop the throw down. This is even when I consciously try to make sure the throw is more over my NTH.

If you get a chance to send a video I might be able to see if there’s other advice, hard to know what’s going wrong without seeing it

Got that bit down.

Now struggling with the throw hand / wrist through the loop. It feels like all the strings around the bearing etc are twisted.

I’ve followed the video in slow mo and think I’m following, but it doesn’t feel right. The throws speed is dying quickly, and even when I rotate the mount around my wrist, the mount feels wrong (e.g. even when the throw dies, the strings around the bearing are difficult to unmount from).