Tsunami bomb help

i got almost all of it last night, but the last element is giving me a bit of grief. by the time i get to the last step my “triangle” im supposed to pop the yoyo back through is more of a short chopstick line, if that makes sense (I’ll film if needed) does anyone have any tips for ensuring that doesnt close up on me? i just don’t have the space for the yoyo to exit the mount without hitting my th palm. tia!


The last hop is definitely the hardest part of the trick imo. It is a chopsticks type element so maintaining a nice C shape with th middle and thumb helps vs straightening out into more of an L shape. Keep the string for the wrist mount very close the tip of the thumb. Also where do you wear the string on your throw hand? If you’re wearing it all the way back by where palm turns to finger, that will leave you less space to hop out. Try to send the Yoyo straight up and kind of swoop the string around the Yoyo.

There is a way to wrap the string around middle for extra space when doing this kind of wrist mount exit but it’s a bit more difficult with this specific trick bc of the way th goes in and out and back into wrist mount.


i wear it in the middle between the joints

I’ll try to position better when i reinsert my hand for the second wrist mount. i seem to have been pushing it back towards my wrist like the first one where you need it to reject

i was able to get it if i used my nth middle finger to give it a quick pinch while i pop it up, is this wrong or a bad habbit?


Ummm I am definitely not the execution police and generally think just do whatever works to get it done. If it looks goofy on playback then maybe that’s not good but if you think it looks cool still then go for it imo


ok kool. i agree with the whatever works sentiment for sure, i just wanted to make sure it wasnt going to create a bad habbit with consequences later i didn’t have the experience to forsee. right now i can hit it every time if i do that but id still like to work towards not having to rely on it. also still working on positioning in relation to thumb and that’s helping with the formation. tks for the tips!


What I do for the final hop that may sound counterintuitive is to not have too much tension on any part of the string. When everything is pretty loose it allows you to pull the opening larger without using extra fingers for assistance. I’ll try to get a video to illustrate what I mean since it can be kind of abstract when typed out.


figured it out and nailed it…well…landed it lol i noticed i wasnt bringing both hands up evenly which was putting tension on the triangle and closing it, as well as i had tension on my thumb making it more L than C, so both of you were right on about what you suspected was happening :ok_hand: once i clean it up a little ill put it on film. i really enjoy this trick a whole bunch!! its flowy back and forth and the chopstick elements make it feel like its a bit techy :yo-yo:

thanks again for yalls insight :clap:


That last hop is tough! Still can’t quite land it

it is though for sure. are you having a similar issue, or is something else catching you?

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Same thing! It’ll come though.

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it def will. personally i was moving my nth more than my th and basically trying to snatch the yoyo out. it started coming to me when i treated it more like a hop. gl, i know you’ll hit it!!