Ok, so I’ve been on this forum for… a month actively about. And I’ve seen alot of the same questions arising regarding tricks. So, I’m going to try to put all of this handy dandy information into this one thread, so people have a point of reference.
Beginner Tricks
Sleeper - Most commonly asked items are:
- My yoyo doesn’t sleep long enough.
- My yoyo tilts when it sleeps, making it not sleep long enough.
Ok, logically, one would assume that the remedy for these problems would be to: Throw harder, and throw straighter. Well, that would be correct!
Throwing harder isn’t too difficult. Just use some extra force without damaging anything.
Keeping your throw straight is one of the most important things you can do. It is the entire soul of your yoyoing. You can’t do anything without a good throw. So, “how do I make my throw straight?” you ask. Alas, here is a good exercise:
Look around your home. Chances are, whether it be in a bathroom, or the kitchen, or a hall, there should be some flooring that has long, thin lines. Like gaps between wood planks or tiles. Stand with your yoyo above this line. Throw the sleeper. The goal of the exercise is to line the gap of the yoyo up with the line on the floor. That should keep your sleeper good and straight. Repeat often, until you no longer have to look at a line to get a straight throw.
Theoretically, the yoyo should spin completely straight, with the string completely vertical from the yoyo. If the yoyo tilts, the string will rub against the walls. This will cause friction, and slow down the spin. Therefore, that straight throw should really help you out.
Usually in this trick, the problem is the throw being crooked, making it hard to land a trapeze and other such tricks. Well, this can also be helped with some practice.
Time to explore your home again! This time, look for a large wall. A wall big enough for you to throw breakaways in front of without hitting anything. Face the wall, with your toes a few inches away. Throw your breakaway. Now, you should be able to not hit the wall at all. That’s the mark of a good breakaway. Start out far away, maybe a foot or two, to get the feel. Then, get closer and closer. This ought to straighten out your throw.
Trapeze This is a very hard trick to learn. Let’s get started! You’re probably having a hard time landing the yoyo on the string. Some tips!
Keep your freehand index finger as close to the yoyo as possible:
If I’m throwing a baseball to you, and I’m two feet away, you can probably catch it pretty well. If I’m 500 feet away, it’ll be a bit more difficult. The same idea applies to trapeze. If your pointer is too far away, it won’t be accurate. So, get that finger as close as you can! -
Keep your eye on the ball:
Or yoyo, in this case. Actually watch the yoyo loop over your index finger to see where it goes. Adjust your throw or positioning accordingly. Also, something about watching it closely makes it swing over more accurately. I have no idea why.
Double or Nothing
I’m having trouble landing on the front string only!
As the yoyo loops around the first time, make the string go around the base of your finger, near the palm. On the last loop-around, before it lands on the string, make it go over the tip of your finger, by the nail. This helps keep the front string isolate itself, so it makes it easier to land on that string only.
Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm
Once you enter the mount, its Up Down Up Down. NOT side to side. If you keep the up and down motion, and don’t stop, don’t even THINK about stopping, you’ll be able to get it to bounce solidly.
I also find it easier to tilt the strings downwards a bit. That might just be a comfort thing though.
Buddha’s Revenge The Mount
This is one of the coolest mounts. As the yoyo comes around to bounce into the top string, bring your freehand up, making the structure vertical. The yoyo should then fall over easier and land into the mount. Keeping the mount straight makes the top string rigid, and it won’t fall over as easy.
Ah, Kwyjibo. This trick has flummoxed yoyoers for many years with its hops and cross-armed elements. Have no fear! Its not as scary as it seems.
Remember the switches: The first hop is throwhand on top, and the second hop is freehand on top. Don’t get confused in mid-air!
On the first hop: On your finger, there’s a knuckle about a centimeter below the nail. Try to get the string intercepted on that knuckle. Also, remember to be close to the yoyo, like trapeze!
Second hop: Remember when we did double or nothing, and we had the first two rotations at the base of our fingers? Do that again. The pre-pop structure should be at the base of your fingers. As you intercept with the freehand, get it with the tip of your finger. That should help separate that last string.
Always watch the hops. Determine what you might be doing wrong, and recognize what works and what doesn’t.
Shockwave Magic Drop
Make the L shape on your freehand ENORMOUS. The wider spread out your fingers are, the more likely it is to fling over.
Swing the yoyo over close to the hand, like trapeze. Make the yoyo as close to the index finger as possible when swinging.
Slow and steady wins the race! Swing over slowly, “floating” the yoyo over.
Tilt your throw-hand downwards a bit.
- String tension is the name of the game. Make your tension as neutral as possible so a big, clean loop opens up.
- Have your freehand index follow this motion: Swing towards the throwhand. Right before you touch the hands, toss the loop up while lowering the freehand pointer, and moving towards the freehand side.
- Once again, keep your eye on the ball!
- Point the structure downwards, so the front is sort of at a 45 degree angle (maybe a bit less)
- Don’t pull too tight or too lose… find a happy medium.
- As the yoyo turns, rotate your throwhand wrist in the direction of the spin to help it along.
- Make sure the string isn’t rubbing against the side! Just like a sleeper, friction is your enemy. Try to keep the strings by the center of the bearing. Tip Credit: rsmod321
So that’s all I’ve got at the moment, I may expand on this, but I want to see what people think of it first. Enjoy, I hope it helps!