pyro light

Overall: this yoyo is one of the best.
First impressions: WOW. the colors and engraving are simply put, stunning. Makes that beautiful “shing!” sound when you rub your finger on it. The flames are very cool. The spikes add that sleek look to it. The little container it comes in alert you and says, "I am the perfect yoyo. WOW. WOW. WOW.
First throw: What does smooth mean? this yoyo puts it plainly. Me. Best in its class, truly stunning performance. It grinds well, but not as well as the Hitman of x-convict, but thats normal. The play urges you on, faster! Faster! oh, its a marvel to play. The spikes can be grabbed like hubstacks, and is just too much fun to play.
After a while: See above. Fits perfectly in your hand. WOW.GET ONE NOW. I MEAN NOW. :o ;D

Are you one of the guys from those TV commercials with the bad grammar and spelling issues? I mean I believe you that the Pyro Light is a good yoyo but the spelling really makes this review sound more like clowns riding on a unicycle and playing a bagpipe. Try fixing some of them then this review would actually be great. ;D

pyro light is a terrible yoyo unless you like alot of response. I remove one of the response sticker and its still too responsive. oher than that, its smooth

jezze u guys are mean… i know ben in life and he took out his ghost pads and put in friction stickers. it is completely unresponsive and awsomly smooth.

just take out the ghost pads and put a yyf gm size k pad on one side its so beast now its an awsome yoyo on my opinion one of the few hspins i like ;D!!!

I have mine set up with a single General-Yo thin pad and it is dead unresponsive.

Have you ever played one, they are amazing and I play with one and it was Dead unresponsive, and it was wicked smooth.

iv’e heard that some are responsive out of the box and others are not. I was one of the unlickey ones, but i replaced the pads with friction stickers, and now it plays great.

Yes I played with one, it almost took my finger off when I was doing a trick.