pun and joke thread

Two strings walked into a bar. The bartender said " sorry we don’t serve strings."
So the two strings walked out and tied themselves together and messed up one end.
They went back into the bar and said “one drink please” The bartender said “Hey, aren’t you just two strings?” The strings said “Frayed knot.”

knock knock
who there?
boo who?
dont cry!

hahahaha (not really)

Knock Knock

Go away


I talk to you another day…

ways to ruin knock knock jokes

knock knock come in
knock knock i dont want whatever you selling!!

Hmmmm. The iPad is getting smaller and the iPhone is getting bigger…

Pretty soon they will merge together and become:

The iPhad

no one will like it for very long, though…

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Haha I hear there coming out with. The I pad mini though

The guy who invented knock knock jokes should get a [b]NO BELL[b] prize.

The other day I went to the doctor, but all he did was suck my blood.
Never visit a doctor whose named Dr. Acula.

thanks for reviveing this! why is santa always happy?


the police are on the lookout for an escaped fortune-teller. he has dark hair and is 4’3". lookout for a small medium at large.

Bravo. That was quite good.



That’s terrible.

This is A Bee fight so you should Cee your way out of it!

Have you heard the one about the deaf guy turning 21?..Neither has he!

The only good jokes i know are severley racist, or imaculatly antisemitist… So this is all i got…Pteradactyle

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?z5v0ub
|Y|O|R|E|D| @~~

WOW. You should think about that…

One day, a mother of three kids bought a brand new super high tech dryer. She put it right next to the old washing machine. The woman was always so impressed by the dryer, but not the washer. So the washing machine said to the dryer, “You are such a Dry-hard.”

Get it? Try hard, dry hard? Anybody??

Haha, it sounded funnier in my head.