Puffin 1 vs Draupnir

Which one is worth trying more? I know these are nowhere even close to each other in terms of performance.
I’m bored with what I have currently so I’m looking for something new. I don’t know whether to choose a yoyo with amazing performance or a fun one with more character.
I have about 10 yoyos, including the Superstar 2013 and 2016, Triad, Pwave, Phenomizm, Ricochet and Lithium.
Can anyone help me?

Sounds like you’ve got a pretty good collection there! I really liked the draupnir but eventually I found it to be a little stale, only picking it up every once in a while.

I got the puffin 1 and really didn’t care for it. I traded it away soon after.

That’s just what I think about these yoyos. I would personally go for the draupnir. Everyone says it’s the greatest and whenever I think of getting a newer high performance yoyo, I just look at my yoyo shelf and see the draupnir and think “I’m good” because I have what is considered ‘the best’.

That’s just my opinion. For some reference I think organic yoyos are the most fun to play with. Favorites being: Ricochet, Monkey finger ApeX, and Duncan MG

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I haven’t tried the Puffin but I have tried the Draupnir and it really is an insane throw. I can guarantee it’ll be a notch or two above everything you have at the moment. With that said I wouldn’t say it’s the most exciting or unique yoyo in the world but I wouldn’t at all say it’s bland either. But I do think you should get the Draupnir because, like Ryn stated, if you have the Draupnir you’ll never really feel the need to get a super high end expensive yoyo for performance because you’ll already have the best.

However, I also suggest you look into the Sengoku Hideyoshi if you’re looking for a yoyo that’s extremely good and extremely fun to play with as well. Keep in mind I haven’t personally played it myself but it seems that everyone that has one says it rivals the Draupnir in terms of performance and has a very fun and unique feel to it that no other yoyo has. It’s also the worlds first Tri-metal yoyo so that’s pretty neat. Highspeedyoyo did a review on it a while back so you might want to check that out.

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It really depends on what will classify in your mind as “fun” While both throws can have a lot of speed they play as two different animals in my opinion. The Draupnir is a lot bigger and geared more towards competition style play while the Puffin is a more layed back throw with tons of character to it. In addition getting a Draupnir would most likely be more expensive. However, if you do end up with a Draupnir you’ll have the satisfaction of having one of the most well known throws.