Protostar vs Starlight

Ok listen, I know this has been asked plenty of times, but right now I am craving a new plastic throw, and I need to know something.

Since the Starlight is lighter, does it play less stable/less sleep time/overall worse play to it’s bigger brother? I am really on the fence between the 2, and I like heavier yoyos but I also like GITD stuff. Please help me make my decision :slight_smile:

The starlite is faster and has better grinds, plus it glows in the dark. I couldn’t find much difference other than starlite’s faster and has better grinds. If you like heavier throws and GITD items then maybe you should get glow nasty. Hope I helped. :wink:

I have seen a lot of StarLite breakage. Though I have heard many great things about it. But have not tried one.

If you want to go cheap, get a StarLite, though if you are willing to spend a little extra cah, the Prototar is one hell-of-a player.


i prefer the prototstar because of its great stability but, the starlight is a good yoyo too

get what you prefer