Problems with USPS

Has anyone ever had any luck recovering lost yoyos? This is now the third package within this last year that usps has “lost” and this one is the most important one ive ever bought. Literally one of my top 3 grail throws and it seems to be stuck in the “arriving late, in transit” stage…wich in my expierence means its lost. This was A LOT of money and while usps has refunded me jn the past, at this point i dont want money…I WANT MY THROW! Im just curious if anyone has ever been able to get someone to get off their lazy butt and do their job to find a lost package before. Thanks for any answers!


I’ve never recovered something lost by the mail service and I’ve rarely been compensated when any of the mail carrying services (especially Fedex) have lost or damaged my items. I wish you luck though


I’ve been having more and more trouble with USPS lately, both with stuff I’ve ordered and stuff I’ve mailed out…

I’ve never recovered anything, nor received any compensation (even with insured items.) USPS always finds some way around it.


I sent out a bst yoyo and it was stuck in a loop for like a month but eventually did arrive. I was super nervous and don’t know what happened but maintain hope! There’s still a chance it’ll arrive.


Its ironic… i literally just got an update saying its at my local distribution center so fingers crossed. BUT the distribution center it was stuck at is notorious for being lousy. If you google memphis distribution center there are TONS of bad reviews of people losing theor stuff. I filed a claim last night then all the sudden it popped up in my state this morning.


I have had the Ï filed the claim and suddenly it showed up happen to me. It seems as if sometimes that works.


definitely take the time to fill out a search request with as much information as possible, i had to fill one out and got it within two weeks. usps won’t let you down, just let them know your issues and don’t stop letting them know


This seems to be exactly the same. I filed the claim last night and it just happened to update this morning.


It’s definitely worth filing a missing mail report. Also, calling the local office/DC, or visiting in person if possible. Even talking to a local carrier.


You can also call the distribution center. I’ve gone to my local one in person to collect “lost” pakckages.

LPT: treat everyone on the phone and at the offices with patience and respect. Even preface your call with “I know this is not your fault, and if I seem frustrated, it is not directed at you.” Typically, your kindness will be rewarded! And if not, at least you weren’t a rude about it.


Well……I agree the usps of 3 yrs ago was doing so well…. .no wonder the.PO is so messed up now after DJT appointed Republican(no prior postal experience at all) comes in changed too much and has now driven awful policies that are destroying USPS!! If Joe Biden and the board can fire & replace him! If Biden can easily drop this it will probably SAVE the usps & post office!


It is odd that you have been a victim of this so many times. That is not normal.

I have recovered packages that have been lost for over two months. I went to the USPS website where you can file a lost package claim. It took a while; but they did eventually recover the package and the filed claim allowed them to notify me that the package had been delivered to the destination.

Personally, I have had great experience with the USPS.

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Biden replaced who he can on the board, but the board hasn’t fired DeLay or DeJoy or whatever nis name is. He wants to destroy the PO and privatize it.


Yes, the USPS black hole. A couple of years ago I sent a package to a location 5 miles from my house. It took about a month, traveling to a distribution center in a neighboring city to Denver and back (1700 miles round trip) before it was delivered.

Mail delivery is really sporadic lately, every 2-3 days. I have subscribed to the email service that shows what mail is expected to be delivered to your house on any given day. I usually get 25%-50% of it. I’ve noticed the header in the message now says what mail is expected to be delivered this week. (if ever) :nauseated_face:


I’ve had two yo-yo orders take trips to other states before arriving. I’ve not had a problem with a non-yo-yo order in as long as I can remember. There is probably a yo-yo shipping conspiracy.


It is always amusing to hear these ideas of ‘privatizing’ the Post Office so that somehow it makes money. The mail was never supposed to be a money-making enterprise. It’s purpose is to facilitate communication of ideas and commerce for American Citizens.

How do you make money when you have to deliver to all addresses in the country? Remote Alaska? Hawaii? The Rocky Mountains? Islands off the coast of (insert your coastal-state here)? The great thing is that the Post Office does not care where you live. They deliver there…


Dont they make some kind of profit auctioning off lost mail? Ive seen videos and heard stories abour it.

Just within this past years this is the third time. Seems its corrected this time.

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Probably some sort of a conspiracy theory…
Government agencies rarely make a profit. The post office is doubly strapped since they were required by congress to fully fund every employee’s retirement from revenue, unlike every other federal agency that is funded by tax dollars.

Since the formation of the modern Postal Service in 1971, various laws gave it more retirement liability than other federal agencies. As an independent agency within the federal government, USPS is expected to be self-sustaining and cover costs — including retirement costs — through revenue. Thus, while other federal agencies receive annual congressional appropriations to fund retiree pension and health care benefits, the Postal Service generally receives no direct tax dollars and pays for these expenses from the sale of postal products and services. USPS’s retirement costs are significant — $10 billion in FY 2023 alone.
Ref: Postal Retirement Funds in Perspective: Historical Evolution and Ongoing Challenges |

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I agree that ir was never sppossed to make money, but those who want to privatize it would raise fees to profit themselves and then have the government subsidize those parts of the business that are unprofitable (Alaska, the vast middle of the USA, etc.) Privatize the profits and socialize the losses. It’s the trickle down way.

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