Powerful organic/rounded shape

The Yoyofriends Koi is a powerhouse. I’d also recommend the G2 Luna. Its a really fun, powerful organic bimetal. Both of these are pretty “pure” organic shapes that emphasize rim weight much more than typical organics would.

Recently got a crazy deal on this glitch (b grade) Luna in the G2 mystery birthday sale, I’ll give you a silly deal for it cuz I like you <3. its a second for me so I really dont need it. Its also kissed my watch just a little, so you can rip it to shreds without worry =]


Kappa. Kappa Kappa Kappa. I love this yo-yo so much, it’s kind of silly how many of them I have, and this isn’t all of them, just the ones displayed:

I continue to be surprised that there are still some in-stock:

The Dynames is another fantastic organic shaped throw that I have multiple of, really killer design, very performance oriented:

Then the Markmont. Classic and Markmont. Classic Magnum Opus are both fantastic throws as well that are very nice performing organic yo-yos. Plus, you get the benefit of side effects so these yo-yos will last a lifetime as they cannot be permanently stripped; great EDC contender in them.

I agree but I’d hesitate to call it organic. Though, comparing its profile w/ the Kappas, it’s like borderline; I guess both of these are technically Step-Round, but like genres the boundaries between shapes are pretty fuzzy these days. If you can find one and afford it, the Mustang is a killer yo-yo.

If, however, you don’t feel like dropping $400+ on a titanium yo-yo but still want to experience a similar shape with similar performance, there’s the St. Elmo (also by Turning Point):

If you want even more power than either of those, the Hinemosu is extremely good and also has a similar shape though it’s a bimetal with titanium rims. While the asking price is admittedly steep, it can be found a bit cheaper on the BST and is well worth it:


If you are looking for smoooooth power in an organic throw I highly recommend the PDX-YO Batsquatch 7068. It‘s the smoothest sensation in the hand with its (nearly) true organic shape and nice finish. In play it’s smooth as glass, stable (not just for an organic throw), maneuverable and long spinning with a subtle yet sheer endless power you especially realize when you bind after a long combo. Aesthetics-wise it’s just classy but powerful and though gentle at the same time.


By the way, it’s my favorite throw :wink:


I really like the CLYW Gorge. It has a ton of power
Still in stock too. Beater is also great.


Reading this thread has made it woefully apparent that almost no one agrees on what makes something organic :skull:

My answers for Organics: Spyglass, Orochi, Pyro X, Obsession +

Off-Organics: Anglam CC (outer rim version), Journey, KO


I think there are layers to it. Like organic h organic v butterfly shape. I just like to say round . LOL

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Guys thanks so much for all the answers, I had a look at basically all the yoyos advice but probably I just put not properly my question cause english is not my first language and sometimes it is hard to find the right words to explain myself, I was looking for a yoyo like the Duncan GTR-JS so something rounded and comfy in the hand but powerful in performance like it, probably organic wasn’t the right word for it.

I do have the Mowl Obsession and is such a nice throw even if it lack of balance quite a bit still a good yoyo for casual night playing when I am a bit tired or a yoyo to switch after long session of playing hardcore.

The MK1 Dynames is a very good one, I tried it during a meeting and quite liked it also very comfortable to use.

I never tried CLYW literally for their shapes (and prices) but I am being quite curious about them recently and seeing so many people love them so them are slowly growing on me.

Sorry guys if my question was badly written!


Ah, you want power but comfort…rounded edges, thicc edges.

MK1 Exia

Yoyofactory Flame?

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Not even close to being organic.

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He was looking for something powerful with a rounded shape like the GTR JS. Top Deck is pretty powerful to me and has that same organic catch zone. But don’t take my word for it. Here’s how JT described it:

We came up with a design that incorporated a mid-weight step (like the summit) but distributed the rest of the weight into the rim. Combined with an organic catch zone and the false rim look from the Cascade, the end result gave me my absolute favorite yo-yo to date.


Ok, well its still not organic, but whatever.


I would recommend looking at the Yoyofactory Pragma as well, it’s pretty rounded when playing and it’s got a ton of power.
Other than that, some of the previous YYR such as the Anomaly is organic and would fit your request.

That’s exactly the style of yoyo I mean, I have all kind of sharp yoyos with H and V shape, I enjoyed the Duncan for it’s roundness and wanted to add some more and study them some more!

The 888 is the powerhouse you need. Available now in bimetal to-rom flavour as the legendary 888. The hub stacks give it a lot of power to push through combos while also acting as a weird sort of shock absorber to make every throw hella smooth.

Although if you wanna push the boundaries then yeah, hinemosu. If you want something closer to that organic shape we know and love, tp’s aster or throwspirals Kappa slap for continued and unrivaled power.

Coming sooner than later


Worth a look.

Edit: Not an organic but the Emotion has a nicely rounded shape that is nice on the catch.