Post the last thing you bought here

Found this bad boy at Goodwill today.

You mean yoyoexpert or anywhere.

Can be anything, not just yoyo based. I for example posted a Oujia board.

Touch up paint for my car, Plasti-dip for the wheels and a Monster Energy.

Four of these…

Lunch during work

A galaxy shutter

Just picked up Randall Cunningham

Last thing I bought was fireworks, well my fiancés brother did. Thank god for him visiting. Or this July 4th would have really sucked.

insidious much? ::slight_smile: jk

for me it was one of these beauties while i was at MWR…

Digital scale and caliper

YYF Too H.O.T. and CzechPoint


A gatorade.

Went disc golfing with a buddy and played 54 holes, shot -1 for 18 and got a mini fairway skip “ace.”

Gasoline was the last purchase for me. ;D

For yoyos:
A pair of MagicYoYo D5’s, 100 Kitty string, a few pads, and bearings all the way back in August of 2013. My last pair of pads fell out a week ago.

Anything else:
College Apparel

A Coca-Cola. The Pepsi machine wasn’t working.

Batman Arkham Knight for PS4. It’s fun!

Dave, you get to try your ouija board yet? It’s really cool looking.

Bad Rats on Steam for a giveaway.

Yeti… Needless to say I am more than impressed with it :slight_smile: