Possible M1 Problem

Recently got my M1s and I’ve taken the bearing apart, cleaned them and re-shielded and everything. Still responsive though. Any suggestions? ??? I really dislike responsive play. :stuck_out_tongue:

Responsive play does wonders, but if you lube it then it’ll take time to break in. Just play with it.

Whatcha mean? Maybe this is something that I’m missing out on then?

Well it helps to smooth out your play. If you only play unresponsive, you could mess up and not have anything happen from it. If you play responsive for a while, it just does wonders. You’ll find out what I’m talking about after you do it.

Alright, I’ll try this then, see how it goes. thanks! :smiley:

You have to dry completely, and then give it some play before it is unresponsive. If there is any solvent in there at all, it will stay responsive. :wink:

Just play with the yoyo for about a week, and break the bearing in,

Pads? or Flow Groove?

Both take time to wear in and can be grippy at first.

I got an M1 recently for 45 dollars and i just kept on binding over and over again and it got unresponsive over time. Now if I tug it up it won`t come up so yeah you can do that or the other things that they sai try them.

you need to break it in may take some time

I’m pretty sure that’s what we’ve said.


another thing ED HAPONIC

My bro’s pads were responsive at first, After time and A tiny bit of lube, it was less responsive.