Popcorn lovers thread!

I love popcorn. It’s one of my very favoritest foods. I love the movie theatre kind with lots of butter, but the microwaveable Orville Redenbacher is awesome too. I swear, putting some Parmesan cheese on my popcorn was one of the best desiscions I’ve ever made.

oh if you like the movie theater kind we have coconut oil and flavacol popcorn salt to give it that tast its delicous! we love that stuff.

Just had a bowl of whirley-popped popcorn with salt powder on it. Also a cup of tea, that salt chaps yo lips, haha

Nice I think i will have some for an afternoon snack now…

before i got braces, i liked to put Tabasco on mine.

I love tabasco! It’s delicious! Putting it on popcorn is awesome too but I’m out of tabasco :frowning:

move theater popcorn is my favorite to cause its like soaked in butter yum yum

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Movie theatre, kettle, and caramel are my faves. I’ve tried some “cheese” flavors and they were “ok”, but I’d have to be in the mood

This thread has awakened a monster! I watched that foodnetwork.ca video that led to popcorn nirvana (man, that site has a TERRIBLE system for ads, though!!!) and was talking about it with the family today as we discussed doing a movie night this weekend.

Well, that led to my son (4 years old) starting to list ingredients he’d like to put on popcorn for his own special recipes. Most of them involved chocolate. Some involved caramel. Surprisingly, none of them actually involved anything truly gross!

Me, I’m keen on trying just the browned butter (and some salt), suggested in the video. Mmm…

Oooh sounds like your 4 yr old has good taste in toppings.

Yup, he’s pretty good. Unfortunately he does not like spicy food yet, so the spicy recipes are out of the question (well, for him… I can make my own!). I told him earlier that I’ll get him around to spicy food some day… that it’s his destiny. :wink:

First topping I tried was the apple pie. I’ve kinda been stuck on it every since! I like the way he had all the different coatings made within minutes and stored in preserving jars for future use. I’ve owned every type of popcorn maker known to mankind. Now I do it OG (old school) in my Le Crueset, just like Chef Micheal Smith.

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or he could do what I did I copied my dad when I saw he put Tabasco on his eggs so I put some on and liked it when I was 4!

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We have a Le Creuset… I hadn’t taken note of the kind of pot he used! We have a cheap-o metal pot that we designated as the “popcorn pot”. I’ll give it a go with the browned butter method, but if it burns the butter too fast (cheap-os tend to have thin metal) I might give the Le Creuset a try!

My brother’s (modman10’s) popcorn is amazing! Its sweet and salty. He does it with just the perfect amount of dark corn syrup, not that much, and chicken bullion. Its so amazing!

What exactly does he do? Does he just like… Pour the stuff on top? I’m unfamiliar with popcorn flavoring other than the Orville (or whatever brand it is) flavor powder stuff (and it’s powder so you can like shake it on). But I think all these sound magically delicious!

I agree with that chocolate is like one of the best popcorn toppings ever ;D ;D ;D ;D

I like a cheddar and caramel corn mix. You can buy it at costco at least where I live.

it will probably be better home made!

Guys… Guess what I just did yesterday?..

…We ran out of popcorn kernels so we cut open microwave popcorn bags and cooked it in the whirley pop! Haha good times… Oh and we don’t have a working microwave that’s why we didn’t just microwave them. And we got the microwavable bags for vacation where they did have a working microwave, then had leftover popcorn… Lol