Poll: Most enjoyed trick types 1A

feel free to answer multiple times!!
what’s your favorite categories of tricks (1A)

  • Slacks / whips
  • Techy
  • Speedy
  • Horizontals
  • Grinds
  • Regens
  • Responsive /Old skool
  • Front style
  • Hops
  • Funky Binds
  • Rejections
  • weird stuff not listed
0 voters

I really like tension elements the best right now and I’m not exactly sure where that fits in here but they’re just super satisfying to land and I like the sound of the string popping off the Yoyo and whipping around. They’re like slack and whips but don’t use a pinch like most slacks and aren’t really like a whip bc you don’t actually whip the string like a laceration.

I really need to learn to Regen still.




same, i learned the basic side to front and front to side style but all other ones are lost on me


Same. I worked on various binds but never actually got to regens to the point now it’s tedious like before I learned to snap start so i guess I’ll grind regens till I nail them. At some point


You loop like that’s all regens are so you probably got this already. It’s like throwing one loop but then doing tricks instead of looping it again.


This is my favorite trick type. You know that string spinning thing you can do with a tower sometimes where you throw the string around and it untwists really fast?

Yeah, I love those.

Here’s a trick I made that incorporates a lot of them. I even do one on the bind at the end! Super fun.


I enjoy tricks that flow the most! The ones that have neat transitions from movement to movement.

I feel like flowy ones are the easiest to remember and keep doing for me!


Yeah just haven’t put the motions together it’s probably not hard just a thing I don’t think
Of and instead bind by default.

Switching styles often already throws me off a fair bit. I was throwing some loopers and without thinking went for a stall which works but the starburst totally feel different. The number of times I’ve gone to bind a fixed axle are plentiful

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Hops and grinds ftw. Calypso is such a fun trick. That also being said I do really like kamikaze which is really neither until that final hop.


Agreed! :slight_smile:

It is hard to choose, because I love all the elements LOL - but putting it together into an awesome satisfying trick or combo that nicely flows is what hitss (If that makes any sense hahaa)


Dang not a lot of grinders anymore huh? I think it’s such a fun part of yo-yoing, but I guess that’s not my favorite or most enjoyed trick type either lol


Start pumping out the toots my friend!!! Love that stuff!!

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I really enjoy flowy, techy stuff.

Tricks like Bone Splint, Lotus Bloom, Tsunami Bomb. I need to up my trick vocabulary, I’ve been stuck for a few months


My most enjoyed tricks are the ones I can land. If I had to choose it would be funky and all kinds of binds.

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