pocket change help

my pocket change is very resonsive and i jus got it like 30 min ago

Play with it. Break it in.

Pocket Changes need to be broken in.

Why does a yoyo need to be broken in? If the response-pads are too responsive as produced at the factory - then why do they not make the pads thinner and thus less responsive?

This whole need to “break in” a yoyo seems fishy to me. How can I possibly evaluate a yoyo when they all need to be “broken in”? When I test-drive a car the dealer never says: “Hey - if you don’t like the way the car drives - just wait until it is broken in”. That would be ridiculous - right?

So why is it right that a yoyo does not play the way it is supposed to - until it is un-returnable to the point of sale? How should I evaluate a yoyo then - trust?

I bought a H**m*n a few weeks back. It sucked. It either acted like a Duncan Imperial and was totally responsive - or it arbitrarily smacked me in the knuckles whenever it thought I might not be paying enough attention when it was wide open. So, I should keep playing with this until it is “broken in”? Why can’t it act like a real unresponsive yoyo out of the box - just like others do (ProtoStar, DM, New Breed, Phenomonizm…)?

It’s kinda like a shoe you have to wear it around and break it in

My pocket change was really responsive when I first got it, then I took a pad out and cleaned my bearing and now it’s unresponsive

Those you mentioned there all came out within, what, the last year or two? (Except the Hitman, obviously) Prior to that all plastic yo-yos (and some of the expensive metals) had to be broken in. I don’t know if the Pocket Change comes with a clean bearing, because I haven’t got one yet, but that’s usually one of the reasons. Prior to a few years ago, the idea of asking more that $15 for a plastic yo-yo would have sounded ridiculous. The Protostar (the least expensive one you mentioned ) is $35. One of the reasons is YYF has to clean the bearing before it assembles the yo-yo, so you don’t have to “break it in”. I for one would rather pay less and break it in (or clean it) myself, but obviously I’m now in the minority.

Have Fun,

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one reason is that the pocket change and hitman were both designed for beginers in mind as well as the hardcore player.
another reason is that the pads will need to be replaced at some point. if they are thicker and a little responsive, then they will last longer. if you have a problem, then buy something that says responsive out of the box.