Please help with split bottom mount!

So im throwing my kickside and trying to attempt the split bottom mount. Ive never done it before and i cant get the yoyo to land on the string after you push your finger in to swing it over. Any help?

Try putting your finger lower on the string when you push in.
This mount takes alot of practice so dont get discouraged.

Also, you may or may not know this but you can move your topic to the Looking for help/Recommendation.

Happy Throwing ;D


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For a mount like this, there isnt much you can do other than bring you finger towards the yoyo in a low, swooping motion, not bring your finger straight down. Other than that, practice! Its one of the harder beginner’s mounts IMO.

ok i taught a kid this mount in my class, and i always see what he does wrong and he doesn’t fix this.

you really need to slow down, twitch your finger less, and make it slow and smooth.

when you do it too fast, and twitch your finger into the string, the yoyo shoots likely missing, and sometimes hitting your finger, or you may loose control and it dies.

when you slow it down, take a few warm up pushes and just try to get the yoyo to swing once all the way around your finger (hit the string or not, either way it helps) and getting it to stop before it continues onto a second rotation. and do not do anything after the initial push. it is hard to explain, but just practice getting your push to swing the yoyo 1 rotation. once you do, all you need to do is focus on hitting the string.

hitting the string is not the hard part of this trick, it is doing it in a way that doesn’t kill the yoyo

It’s just like when I learned trapeze: practice makes perfect, I doubt you’re doing any of the motions wrong, just keep practicing and you’ll eventually land on the string.

You can also try to use the section nearer to the tip of the finger to push the string. It gives slightly more control.
(p.s. I thought this topic was supposed to be in the tricks section?)