Plz help with split bottom mount.

Im throwing my kickside, and i cant seem to get the yoyo to land on the string for the split bottom mount. Any tips? ;D

how i first practiced and got it down was if you know how to do boomerang,
id do that kind of motion with my left hand to swing it back and forth and the key thing is when the yoyo is comming towards you, push into the string in almost a quarter circle motion. (from top of the circle clockwise to where the 15min would be) and the momentum should push the yoyo into the mount. hope this helps :]

I don’t really remember what I had a problem with but… make sure you give the string a bit of give when you push into it with your throwhand finger as to allow it to land on the string, push FAIRLY close to the yoyo but not so close that it hits your finger when you do push into the string. I love Split Bottom Mount based tricks, so it is just too natural for me to recall my earlier days learning it. :-/ sorry I hope this helps you a bit. Keep Practicing, a lot of people have had trouble figuring it out, you are not alone :smiley:

Try to use the segment closer to the top of your finger to push the string. It provides more control over the yoyo.

Don’t know if this’ll be any help, but before I got the hang of pushing into the string, I found it easier to keep my throw hand almost stationary, but swing the string towards my body, and let the yo-yo do all the work. Nowadays I push into the string every time, and it’s like I’ve always been able to do it. Like all things, as soon as you get it, it’ll seem ridiculously easy, just keep up the practice, and good luck.

Make sure that you don’t move your non-throwhand. That was my problem.