Plastic Grind Machine?

Just wondering if any ofyouhave PGM’s and if you do how long do they normally spin for, I also wanted to know if there was anyway to mod it sothat it spins forl onger?

At the moment Ican do like ferris wheel, 1 1/2 mount thing, PLan D and then after that it is nearly dead and only has enough juice left to bind.

Most of the spin time relies on your ability to throw a good sleeper. I’ve had yoyo’s that wouldn’t normally
spin long but I’m good at throwing. You can also clean the bearing and add a little (very little) thin lube.

What kind of string comes with the PGM? What is the material?


I can barely throw a sleeper for a minute lol, but I never clean my bearings which probably doesn’t help

I’m just saying that the yoyo is new and stock so is it just a case of breaking in the bearings?

That very well could be. Play with it for a week and see if it gets better. Also are your throw’s straight?
Is it tilted after you throw? Are you throwing it hard? These things will all make it spin shorter or longer.

Yep, Nope and Yep!