Plastic Grind Machine mod

i need some help modding my plastic grind machine v2

Please elaborate. What equipment/materials do you have? What is your goal?

i aint got tht much could u tell me wat i would need i wanna make it sleep longer and spin longer on the hubstacks

The PGM spins for much longer than you need it to. Work on your throw.

then i need better performance because i traded it for a revolution and i want to make it better thn my revolution

Now here is where a lot of new yoyoers get led astray.

No yoyo is better than another. Performance is as good as you make it.
The Revolution wasn’t of any higher performance than the PGM, just of different performance aspects. Which you can’t change. Just practice with it.

u could clean the bearing in the hubs

  • No yoyo is better than another. * This can most certanly be disputed. It is simply not true.

  • Performance is as good as you make it. * This however is true.

It’s true within reason. If you want to be an idiot and say that Butterflies aren’t as good as Dark Magics, go ahead, but otherwise it is most certainly true. I can do any trick I know on a FAST 201.

fast 201s suck tho

First thing, dont call me an idiot

Dont take this as an attack, its not meant to be.
Next, you cant just make a blanket statement like “all yoyos are the same” because some NOOB is going to take that literally. Besides perhaps you can do any trick on a low end yoyo but they DO behave differently and you must agree that is a true statement.

The do behave differently, but you are taking what I said out of context.

I was talking about a Revolution versus a PGM. There is no difference in ability between either of those yoyos. Within this topic, what I said is completely true.

A thosand words are worth a thousand words, lol. OK, yes that does clear it up :slight_smile:

Agree to disagree on agreeing?

WOW! Now im corn-fused!!! ;D

And to sum up this wonderful topic, BASICALLY, what the no yoyo is better than the other thing is supposed to mean that there’s no best yoyos. YES, I know there’s exceptions, like fixed axle versus a catch 22, but still, WITHIN REASON. Just think of it as there’s no best yoyo ok? Good. Thank you very much.

lol only one person answered his initial question

I think the “give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime” rule applies here.