Hello everyone!
I just recently discovered an online service called wayfaring where you can add points on a map with notes, etc.
We should all put ourselves on there, maybe with a little blurb about yourself as a note.
That way we can have a central registry type thing for all yoyo-ers on this forum (and beyond, hopefully!).
It’s pretty simple and registration is free, once you do you can edit the map:
Let’s get everyone in on this! Tell all your yoyo buddies all around the world and give them this link!
I’m posting this on all the major forums, but if you don’t see it on a forum you know, feel free to quote it and spread it around!
I just put one on there. It’s called “name?”
cool, pinned myself on the map. let’s see if we can get everyone on here. 
Awesome guys! Let’s keep it going! Spread it around to everyone you know!
Yeah, you can edit it once you create the waypoint. Put whatever you want there, username, real name, whatever.
i’m the fourth one ;D :o
erricrice; good job getting it onto the other forums 
um i’m not sure how to create a waypoint. do you have to have an account?
yeah, you just create an account, then go to edit map. then click add a waypoint
put in your address, and name or username. and you’re good to go. 
yes the 40th person to create way point there and the first Indonesian
yeah!!! we have 40 people now
i just made one. 41 first in NS canada or the maitimes or atlantics (NS=Nova Scotia)
42 ^.^ i got the answer to the universe