Pics of the Kids...

Just wanted to show off some of my babies…

I’m so proud! :wink:

lol when i read the tital i’m like… what the???.. lol they are NICE thoguh… but keep them safe SOMEONE(samad) might steal them.

nice. there is a magic trick website with something like that there exept with goats as a comedy pic.

I don’t like 888’s

That dark blue is sweet.

Isn’t it, though?

Would you believe it’s an '09?

'Cause it is. :wink:

Wow. The aqua is amazing. I have a 08 888 aqua, not as amazing as the 09. Wow! :smiley:


I got to admit, 888’s are good looking, ut I don’t like their play.

Also, Steven, your 888 is ugly :smiley:

And I haven’t even thrown the Aqua yet.

Still haven’t decided if I want to trade it for something else.

Steve? You got an ugly 888?



lol, i’d trade you for my g5 but my dad wouldn’t let me and it’s kinda poopy like…

Epic looking yoyos! I can’t wait to get an 888. I have wanted one for so long but they are out of stock everywhere. It has been difficult for me to decide spending over 100 dollars on a yoyo, but I can’t ignore the awesome reviews these things have. I have never thrown an all-metal yoyo and the 888 will be my first. Have you seen the new DNA’s? They look really slick, but I like the fact that the 888 comes in different colors.

Wow, I’m hoping you can come by one soon!

And I have seen the DNA, almost bought one recently. But I’m going to hold out on it until it’s in regular production just to have it decorated. The pre-production models do, however, come with stickers. :wink: