In your opinion, what makes the PHENOMizm more advanced that other yoyos? how much better is it compared to the DM2? If you have a PHENOMizm, what do you think about it?

No yoyo is better than the other. If you like angular yoyos, you would like the PHENOMizm. If you prefer more rounded yoyos, you would prefer the Dark Magic 2. Both are oversized.

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the reason the phenomizm has a higher price tag than the other bimetals is that it comes with a kk and it has nickel plated weight rings and i dont see what else makes it more expensive

Yes, it is a bi-metal. Just that it is made by the “famous” Hiroyuki Suzuki, has a KK, shaped different and also the rings are placed on exact center of the yoyo. Those should be the differences. IDK, why, but I think it’s reasonable to put such yoyo in this price range. But I would rather give it a $55 price though.

55 would be perfect.

IMO the yoyo is like 30$ - 40$ no more, and with the KK that’s + 30$ So 65$. Works out perfect I guess. But I use two for 3A and they are amazing, I really like the butterfly shape.

Its not so much as more advanced than other yoyos, its a lot more attractive. I’ve come to notice that if you really like the way the yoyo looks, then you will do much better with it; and try new things and stuff like that. IMO…

Here’s my PHENOMizm’s ------V and Genesis.