Perspectives on the upcoming OD Perspective

You wouldn’t think this would play well but…

Werrd 86400 X Pacquiao
Every dimension is different, but both from the golden age of quality axle posts. Has exactly the precession issues you’d expect and I have to rotate slowly while playing, but I’m sure OD have that under control.

What I didn’t expect was how satisfying the finger grinds would be with the big wing out.


I usually love weird and gravitate toward strange but I must lack perspective on this one


Once again just wanted to state I am very excited project. Jordan has long deserved a signature yoyo for his tenure in the Onedrop team.

And if you know Jordan personally, he is a quirky guy and thus its no surprise at all this is how his choice in a signature yoyo is.

Yeah, it is an idea. Its an idea that is incredibly furthest from the scope of normalcy in yoyo design and shapes. But if we do not step outside the line of comfortable design, how will we ever progress in further pushing the envelope? And because its a half and half design- you can always buy two of the same halves in order to have a more dormant normal looking yoyo.

Guess you could say it really is all about “perspective”…right?



I’ve been inspired toward innovation by this thread.

I’m thinking I might take it a little further release this.

Just this.

And according to the latest naming trends I will call it the ‘Deconstructionism’

I’m just having laugh, not a dig.


That’s just a spin top Glen.


Not so crazy. Taka is selling single halves as part of the Borderless line.


I won’t be able to get this thing off my mind until I can get it in my hands. I don’t know if it’s bad. I don’t know if it’s good. I just need to know.


I secretively want to believe it was inspired by my antics back in the day on the OD Forum, hahaha! (only kidding)

Personally I love the idea it’s fun to swap halves from things that share the same or similar DNA like many of the OD YoYos do.

These were from 2013 and 2014




Alright. I’ll try it. I have a regular Kuntosh and a 5kqv I’ll swap and see if they like each other.

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Okay, so the kuntosh’s of course worked well. No complaints there. But the og capstan and half swapped with the 5kqv had zero right to be glass smooth. It’s playable. I hate it. And I love it. Capstan side has a blue ultralight and the 5kqv has a Ti kiss. Seems to want to twist after a while but I also suck. Highlight here is its glass smooth.


I’m throwing the terraria combo rn. The fact that this actually works makes me so excited for the perspective to drop


Its definitely not a style for me. As i said previously im way to ocd for that lack of symmetry. It just hurts me to my core lol But I’m veery curious as to if any combinations seem to go beyond merely working and actually gain some sort of advantage. Has anyone thats experimenting with these shape swaps noticed a benefit in this sense, or is it more the novelty of just getting it to work?

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I think it’d be sick for one side to have a finger spin dimple and the other to have a spike but nah I can’t think of any other advantage


Depending on the shape it can make it play totally different. Say, you have a rounder side and a V or W shaped side. The V side is going to let you shoot out rejections super easily but the rounder side won’t. So, you could play with those two variances to perform different styles of tricks. It definitely can have some effects on the play but the downside is that it’s dependent on what side is facing outward/inward when you throw it.

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These pictures of mismatched yoyos make me uneasy.



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I don’t think the colors would go together - that’s an ick for me.

TBH, while I am not that motivated to screw together different yo-yo halves, a yo-yo that was intentionally designed this way intrigues me.


I strung the Staunchfast up just for you…


Not terrible with the polished. . .