Perspectives on the upcoming OD Perspective

I really don’t see why an asymmetrical design can’t be 100% focused on creating something that is enjoyable to play because it is awkward to hold, reacts differently during to certain tricks based on either randomness or intentional trick combination, etc.

Everything that makes this unappealing to one person may make it more interesting/challenging/rewarding/amusing to another person.


I guess it’s an aesthetic of just people who like really different stuff? If this wasn’t super different and out there visually I don’t think anybody would be having this much of a discussion right now.

I really don’t get this release, and it seems like a lot of other people don’t too. But hey if other people some people are into it, more power to them.


It’s 100% weird.

I wouldn’t buy it- but I am interested to see what people say.

I can’t imagine it plays that well. Maybe it does what do I know. I’d be very curious what it feels like. Being so different on each halve

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I recently pondered what sort of math it would take to get two asymmetrical halves to perform well. Maybe the Matrix was listening, and I’ll have an answer. Or I’ll just have a weird yoyo that frolics about like a one winged bird. I also hate that I missed the Dumpster Fire release…


If you try it and don’t like it, do you blame one half over the other?


The Wing for certain, Organic can do no wrong :stuck_out_tongue:


Lmao - can you imagine asking OD to do a half swap


I agree. Citation: all the testing in the following thread.

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I dig it. I’m always looking for interesting and fun throws.


We can say the same thing about organics that look the same from more or less 15 years and then you talk about “keep pushing designs” when is the same thing basically proposed in different colours.

Sometimes I don’t really get all the harsh about the competiton profiles (which are actually done to play in a certain way) in favour of an outdated shape that keep getting produced from years with basically no changes.

Everyone has it’s own preferences, I always respected that and is more than fine, I am more than ok with organics and people enjoying them (I am sponsored by a brand that also produce organics so it can happen that I throw one every now and then) but it cringe me so much when people chat against the modern yoyos, there are 1k competition profiles and there are 10k organics profiles and all look and play the same.

I am sorry but I always found stupid this internal war in the yoyoing world (except if it is done as a joke), maybe will be nice to respect every view and every preferences.

Sorry for the off topic but this is the million time that I hear about this “shape war” and it start to be quite boring


I dont know man. I do think once you are not trying to make the best competition yoyo you have a lot more room to experiment.

If the goal is to make the best competition yoyo the best is the best and multiple companies can come to similar conclusions.
If the goal is to make a fun yoyo there is more room for interpretation.
Ofcourse there is still a lot of variety in competition yoyos but organic stuff also has many branches and takes on the design.

But the op was probably just saying that this is a very very experimental/new design and not actually taking a hit at competition desing.


I have a feeling people who try the OD Perspective are going to find that it is more comfortable in one of the two possible orientations. Your hand is not symmetric along your middle finger…


this is what it is ^ please read a few time next time before big misguided paragraph for me :frowning:

thank you for reading!

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I am not talking about this OD in particular I have nothing against it and as I wrote is an original take on a yoyo.

But probably you can agree that there is not much innovation also in “fun” yoyos, they pretty much look all the same as the competition do.

I think mostly is that is a matter that we playing with a yoyo and after all those years all the variable in shape are quite done

I personally find non competitive yoyos to be more innovative. Ofcourse we prefer different yoyos and havent tried all the same yoyos so our experiences and opinions differ. But organics have pomelo or 420, huge yoyos and the doorknob a yoyo that looks like a doorknob. I dont see the same type of variety in competition yoyos.
I do agree. A lot of organic yoyos play and look similar just like competition yoyos. But wildly innovative design imo appear in the non competition department more often nowadays.


What half is better though?

  • Black half
  • Silver half
0 voters

Hey that fighting stuff and side ways threats to designers come on? You can not be that invested in a yo-yo design that you have to attempt to shame someone for an opinion about yo-yos in general.

I am not picking side either. I own many yo-yos just because of the aesthetics no other reason and I will say I do enjoy the risky stuff 1 to 1 is one of my favorite weirdos from one drop, but it is not for everyone and that is fine. You are not personally attacking me when I have been told many times the 1 to 1 is awful, mostly by those that have never thrown it and judge it on the way it looks… More for me.

I hope the we can all play nice.
I apologize if I have miss understood the comments, or if there is a bad history or grudges that I am unaware of.

Everyone have a great start to the weekend in 110min


Nah mate there is no fight in here, sometimes discussion can be a bit heated, all of us have preferences and different styles of play but I dont think people is fighting pr really getting angry over this lol
At the end of the day it’s just yoyoing, we love it and we discuss it! This happen a lot with One Drop, in one way or the other they really have the skills to make people talk about them!

But seriously we here all love yoyoing and there is no motivation to fight about it :slight_smile:


Well, first off… I almost don’t have to say this, but I will anyway… The guys at one drop geniuses. They are not smart. They are not really smart. They are not smarter than the average bear. They are just straight out geniuses.

They’ve been turning out yo-yos now for about a decade that I remember. When they started, they were already good. As they continued, they’ve gotten better.

And they’re not looking back. They are looking at tomorrow next week next month and the future.

Their business model is near perfect. I say near perfect because I’m leaving a little wiggle room for something that I may not understand could make them better?

Source material domestically. Make all yo-yos in house, in the United States. They’re open to work with people and have been for years on bringing their designs to fruition. They’ve helped many people for absolutely nothing not a thank you not a bag of peanuts not a penny. They both seem to be naturally inclined to be part of the solution instead of a part part of anybody’s problem. Whenever they release a yo-yo, you can count on a few things. First of all, it’s a good value second of all, they don’t release any yo-yos that haven’t been thoroughly tested in house and at various locations where the yo-yos are sent around the planet. They do not release yo-yos that play funny. So this new yo-yo, although not symmetrical, no doubt has passed all their tests for performance and weight distribution resulting in, their standard one drop excellent functionality.

If the thing played funny at all, they both be monkeys, uncles for even trying to unleash him on the public.

So basically what you’re looking at is One Drop stepping a little outside of the box. To get people thinking? To get people talking? To mentally throw people off the normal track when they think of one drop designs?

Maybe all of the above, and/or maybe not.

One thing for certain, this thread just started a while ago and already has about 80 responses.

I would buy it in a heartbeat.

I understand and it’s reasonable to recognize that certain number of people that don’t like things asymmetrical, would not buy it, regardless of how it played. We are all computers after all. And some things just do not compute to some people. Nothing wrong with that. But since one drop doesn’t make batches of 1000, that was not their focus or dilemma for them. They made a batch, they’ll put them out for sale, some people will buy them, and some people will not. if the people that buy them like them, they will report back and then maybe others that were hesitant or on the fence so to speak will end up buying them.

Personally, I love to play Mr. potato head with my yo-yos when I was a kid they had a The game where you buy a box of parts. Then you talk your mother out of a potato, and you start sticking ears nose eyes, whatever on this potato, Mr. potato head. So it’s not unusual for me to find two yo-yos that are close in shape and obviously they must have the same actual size and I put the halves together just to see what they do? I weigh the halves first to see how different and weight they are. I’ve matched that were 2 g off and still identified no additional instability or vibey characteristics.

One of my favorite mismatch matches is one of the coolest ones and I’m leaving it just that way because it plays that good. It spins, perfectly smooth.(not critical) And just generally amazing

It is half Shade and half Kagerou.
I love it😍

In this situation, there is no correct opinion with 100% certainty. You like it? You don’t like it? You don’t like one drop not staying in the same lane as they drive into the future? Maybe you would suggest that does probably play quite well, but the mismatch shapes just will not stick in your brain comfortably? Or you may be the more adventurous type that doesn’t care about asymmetrical visual impact and just more concerned with let me get one of those and see if that sucker plays?

But the bottom line without being too redundant is very simple. One drop would never let this yo-yo see the light of day if it didn’t play pretty damn well. At least that is a reality that most of us will be willing to deal with.

Your opinion may very. Where does the line start? I’ll take a few.


Well said doc.

And to defend my own honor in this thread, the funny meme I made was just to make you guys smile, and not me genuinely throwing shade at the yoyo. The yoyoboomer side has my heart singing.

Don’t judge a book by its horribly disfigured unsymmetrical cover (joking again :wink:).