Perspectives on the upcoming OD Perspective

Is it possible that even unhalfswapping and using the same halves to make 1 yoyo, the yoyo will have vibrations and similar? I know that when people make yoyos they try and match the halves and tune them to have less vibes as possible, is possible that with 2 completely random halves people risk huge vibrations and similar?

To be honest this seems to me another missed chance, probably those yoyos looks and play better in “Normal” setup with the same halves, the one with the black cup seems quite good for modern playing at least just looking at it and probably the grey one can be a nice organic shape, mah…

Put questions about vibe for this yoyo asleep. I can tell you now that there will be no vibe.

You can take wildly different halves of different weight and put them together and they will still spin smoothly.


Does anyone know if this would use side effects?

I got a crazy idea… half swap the side effects too? hahaha.

I asked Jordan about it last night and he set it up with matching halves and said he liked the “mismatched” halves better.


Did he confirm they are selling them with mismatched halves as shown in the pic?

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(Actually… Why hasn’t one drop done a reversible side effects throw?)


exactly what I was thinking… though did not realise it’s not actually currently possible to do so?

Not with a hollow body?

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I’d imagine it’d need to be really thin to make it work with SE. also the technology may only work in one direction. It’s a cool idea though!

Yeah, he said they’re mismatched. There will be more info soon I’m guessing. OD always has great write-ups for their yoyos, detailing the thoughts and process behind a yoyo.


Yep, it is a signature yoyo of one of the team member, weird but at least original idea for a signature



the YOFO is 3-in-1 :upside_down_face:


‎ ‎ ‎

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I think that’s just admitting you have no standards for yoyo design beyond their aesthetics

seriously why are you so upset like a little kid???
( ´_⊃`)

please just do not buy the yoyo and move on with your life! it not deep who cares… it is fun!!

there is 1000 yoyo identical with v/h profile bimetal you can buy instead if this $60 made in USA bother you so much ≧◡≦

it is important to support risks and some of the new ideas as the community. it is how we keep yoyos new and fresh for so many years to come! being mean about it just get you more v shape bimetal and people will be scared to have fun through designs. yoyos is a toy.

i think it is super cool and unique. thank you one drop for a unique yoyo for me to buy finally!!! I will always support one drop and treat them with great respect.



I’m not upset by it at all, I just don’t like it. Yoyos that exist for people who just think they look cool are fine. I’m not a fan of designing for aesthetics but I’m not implying that should never be done.

I’m merely having yoyo discussion on a yoyo discussion board. Somebody posted a question, and I responded. shrug


I actually have 2-3 throws that I keep in Pagoda / Piggyback style like that, haha. It’s actually pretty fun and challenging at times!

I know that wasn’t your question, but the pic just reminded me of it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It probly plays fine but i’m not really into the asymmetrical design. i’d like to try it with matched halves as well.

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i will pass onto shawn and david at one drop that you do not like it!!!
hopefully they can change the design just for you!!!
" shrug "



I dont even know what aesthetics these are! Its definitely a polarizing design. I initially thought well obviously everybody is going to not like this but clearly some people do!

A lot of yoyos initially look like gimmicks but end up playing very well! The doorknob comes to mind.


This has been OD’s plan all along…

Step 1: release solid quality throws that many come to like and trust

Step 2: repeat process for many years until a huge following is gained

Step 3: release a drop that goes supernova and collapses in on itself making the whole community implode into a black hole devouring itself

Step 4: take ALL the yoyos left after the carnage for themselves…

I see you OD…