Perspectives on the upcoming OD Perspective

my interest is piqued


I dont think onedrop will release a yoyo that precesses one way and the ā€œgoodā€ player corrects for it. It might be that despite profiles the yoyo spins evenly. It would be very cool physics wise. But I dont get what the point is apart from that.

Definitely feels like an April Fools joke.

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I couldnā€™t wait for it to release so I made my own Perspective @ home


I feel like this is just going to be a benchmark type release.

Edit: Something Iā€™ve thought about before is due to the high number of factors that affect yoyo feel, how similar can two completely different yoyos be made to play to one another? Is it possible to take different approaches and achieve the same result on string? I think it would be cool if this is what Onedrop is exploring.

Edit 2: Looking more closely it kind of looks like the silver half is a ā€œmoldā€ of the inside of the cup of a conventional design. Maybe each half is kind of the other half inside out.


Reminds me of the YoYoBall bimetal-monometal half swap. Did anybody ever try that?

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yoyojoker made a twin yoyos where the inside of one was the outside of the other
they were called stratos and stratos another

they then released a half swap of the two
called stratos mirage

you could even make it if you had two, or make the other two if you had 2x mirage.
someone also said they got this RecRev in a YYBB mystery box
so its been done before
people tested severly dinged halves before saying they could play smooth and great :melting_face:


Iā€™ve seen this argument before. Dejavu or am I going mad?


One drops most fun releases are always the ones where theyā€™re doing something new and unique in the Yoyo community. Side effects are badass. The terraria collab brought tons of people into the hobby, myself included. I loved the marquis and the mantis, blind boxes are mad fun. Theyā€™ve got fun releases like the fat tire, 1to1, the thorn, even the thru line is kind of a meme. They did the code 1 and 2 as an experiment with the community and then they did rev 1 and 2 (tho idk how successful those were)

Point is they always try doing something new and I think itā€™s super cool they are trying this. Iā€™m buying two (and I figure most people will) so the way I see it one drop is basically just releasing 3 yo-yos at once with this drop. I think in a completely over saturated market one drop still finds ways to innovate again and again and this is no exception.


Well itā€™s certainly innovativeā€¦ At least I think.

Genius from a business perspective. Everyone will buy two to match the halves.


I agree. You should carve a fixed axel Yoyo like this!


But then if you do buy two and half swap them backā€¦ the yoyo no longer lives to its name lolā€¦

I personally would be more interested in this yoyo as it isā€¦ I think thatā€™s the whole point of it


Yall clearly were not around in 2010 to 2012."

Kevin Nicholas of Yoyofactory in the day was using a half Genesis half Supernova. and he wasnā€™t playing to be ironic- he literally rocked that way of play.

The Onedrop team in 2012 had went into a silly frenzy doing mad experiments with half and half yoyos thanks in part due to the side effect system. I had played with the Code 1.5 for the good portion of the summer and even did a clip video using it.

It can be done, and it can get wild lol.



So not new, but definitely not something that lasted. Probably for good reason.


What if you get 2 yoyos when you buy? So that you can match the halves.

Either way Iā€™m looking forward to this and trust OneDrop and Jordan.


Tbh we have to assume theres a method to the madness. Itā€™s not like anything is going to be released without rigorous prototyping and testing. Its not as if it went from design straight to production and straight to the community with them just shrugging going ā€œi dunno, best of luck!ā€


My hot take: I think itā€˜s boring.


it wont precess if the 2 half have the same MMOI in the non spinning direction

precession requires a torque along the axis its not spinning in

it might be odd on grinds though, will be fun either way


Iā€™m not even a fan of different color half swaps. This makes me anxious just looking at it.


Yes. Definitely not one for the slightly OCD crowd. Me included.

There must a reason for itā€™s release though. Onedrop must believe in it.