Any who know me, know that I am crazy for this yoyo. I believe it is the greatest throw ever made. After I let my old one go I have longed for another. Today, thanks to a person that shall remain nameless for now, this yo has made it back to me. It’s been sitting in a safe unopened since 09 when it was bought new
Congrats! Enjoy ;D
No longer mip:)
Studio let that go? I know he likes to help out people when feels like he can. What a person regardless who it was!
How much did u have to pay for it :o :o :o
Yoyodoc sold it to me for exactly retail price.
he wasn’t part of the community back then. Mo is the bomb for keeping that thing in such awesome shape.
YoYoDoc is an awesome guy! I hope to buy him a beer some time!
That’s really cool. I wish more companies were that innovative nowadays. I’d much rather buy 3-4 super expensive, but ground breaking and amazing yoyos every year than the fairly formulaic stuff that mostly gets pumped out lately.
Wow, haven’t seen one of those in awhile.
Here’s a video of it put to good use! That’s one lucky yoyo.
I never had a C22. Wouldn’t mind trying one, but I don’t know if I’d want one or not until I throw it.
I hope the day comes when you get to try one. I have owned more throws then I would care to admit, and I’d say just trust me. It’s amazing
I’m only sad I didn’t make that post.
Congrats. Nice find. When you said it was NIB in the safe, I knew it was yoyodoc instantly. He and I exchanged some PMs recently, and I knew he had one sitting there. Remember yoyodoc, I am interested in some of those precious gems you have in there.
Also, keep in mind I am a generous benefactor to the community as well, not just a greedy selfish collector:
See post 477. ;D
Did you buy a dazzler?
That is good; that yoyo is meant to be played.
Very nice find! And the box is pretty awesome. I’d never seen it before this post but I read the review on high speed yoyo and it sounds awesome. Have a blast with it!
What do you especially love about its play over other yo-yos?
I love undersized to begin with. It spins longer then anything. It’s a machine. Fast. Perfect weight. Yyf put a lot of thought into it and it shows
Very sweet! Sounds awesome, perhaps I’ll get one someday
Congratulations man, make sure to play with it all day and when the sun sets tuck it in so it can have good dreams.
Also, post up a review in a week or 2.