Ok so I got a bunch of Dif-E-Yo bearings that are going responsive QUICKLY when I mount them to my Hydrogen Crash. After cleaning them out when they do so I test them on my other yos and they perform fine so I know it isn’t the bearings that are bad. As soon as I put them back on the Crash though they go back to responsive after only like 30 minutes. Am I missing something here? What’s happening? My working theory is that the thread on the Crash may be stripping a little bit and that is polluting the bearing but i don’t know
Never hurts to clean your bearing seat area and the surrounding recess area when you change bearings. Still find it odd that people change bearings for any reason other than outer race profile, my OG M1 bearing is still going strong 14 years later.
Probably need to clean the seat. It just looks clean but I’ll give it a good cleanse nonetheless
Forgot to mention that a combination of a frayed string with any kind of gap around the bearing can get some shed fibers into the bearing. If my beard hairs can get in, so can a tiny bit of cotton/poly/nylon/pet hair.
Are you testing them for the same amount of time they take to go bad in the Hydrogen Crash?
Some of my yoyo’s wear out the bearing faster and become responsive.
I have a Shutter that never has a problem with bearings, all of the bearings last a long time. But if I were to put the bearing into my Civility or R Type the yoyo would become responsive because the bearing locks up… I think the bearing seat has a tighter fit or maybe there are imperfections in the bearing seat that warp the bearing.
Yes. At least approximately the same
A difference in how the bearing is seated makes sense to me when one yoyo behaves differently.
All I can say is that this sounds incredibly frustrating.
Clearly, something is contaminating the bearing, and it seems like one yoyo is more prone.
As to what the contaminants are, you could desheild and throughly flush the bearing with a volatile solvent. Then evaporate the solution and study any leftover residue under a microscope.
I think string fiber is the most likely, but it could be ambient dust or even skin cells.
Most C3s have polished response areas(?). Perhaps this is actually more efficient at a stripping fibers from the string.
It is indeed frustrating because I love the bearings and the yo very much but I dislike the fact that the two can only coexist for limited periods of time