people you think should be forumeXperts!

Yeah thatā€™s what I was thinking. Maybe another topic where somebody has to be nominated 3 times (so nobody can just get somebody to nominate them for them or make another account) and after about a week everybody who has been nominated goes up on the poll and we vote to see who the next Forum eXpert is. Like you said though, Iā€™m not sure if they would actually give them the title of Forum eXpert.

Without a doubt.The nicest and most helpful user on hereā€¦


Thereā€™s the problem. I canā€™t strive for it, because Iā€™ll never be one. :wink:

If you have that attitude you wonā€™t. Just help people out and maybe you will become one eventually.

Like jsell said. You realty seem to out yourself down a lot. Be positive and anything can happen. All it takes is a little faith in yourself. Negativity wont help. So againā€¦be happy with lifeā€¦it makes it more valuable.

Someone nice.

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Woah! Been a while since I have seen you caribou Nick! Nice to see you!

But yeah ā€¦nice people who can really help are nice to have on thus forum.

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I say we let the mods/admins choose. :slight_smile: Itā€™s their job anyways.

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the members should have a vote for one expert, the mods can pick the rest and seriously we need more mods

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I think theyā€™re doing a great job right now.

i agree but we need some more

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I think EVERYONE should be a mod. Because then we would all have superpowers and we would all be normal.

Like the villian in incredibles.

No, we donā€™t. We donā€™t have under-moderation. If that was the case, then we should have more.

every. just kidding but shawdow or wild for sure

i love it when a thread i make gets a lot of replies! yay!

Pessimism is who I am!

Not with that attitude missy!!

wait so what exactly does the forum eXpert title do? does it enable editing of otherā€™s posts so you can replace swear words and stuff?

It means youā€™re a trusted and respected user.

Yeah Iā€™d trust any forum eXpert with a baby.