People who don't yoyo.

My wife tried to pretend to be impressed (bless her) but now she doesn’t even bother.

She did kind of like “Gondola” and suggested that I rename it “funicular” due to an inside family joke.

I do like my 3-year-old’s encouragement, though. “That’s a cool trick, daddy!” he says for every trick. Even not-so-cool tricks. Then he managed to get his hands on my DM2 yesterday and started dragging it around. As I calmly tried to get the yoyo from him (didn’t want to startle the wild beast within), he says to me, “Look daddy, I call it ‘roll the dog’.” Smart little bugger. I’m sure I’ll be able to get him to join me in yoyoing soon.

It doesn’t bother me one bit if someone isn’t impressed by the tricks i do where i live… even mroe so since i normally make people stop to watch me when i throw in public^-^

Kinda for me but then I shake it off because if they don’t the yoyo then they don’t understand soo. I dont care I just don’t show them a new complicated trick I just figured out

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You did say you normally make people stop to watch you when you throw in public. Therefore:

Chaining them to a chair and taping their eyes open is NOT a good way to get people to appreciate yoyo.

(I think maybe I saw one too many horror films at Sacramento Horror Film Festival)

I appreciate the kind word here. maybe I can’t handle the fame, girls and glory :smiley:

back on topic. I believe disappointed would not be the best mood to get into when meeting people who show interest.

I remember watching WYYC freestyles back when I started (jensen world title, around that time), now, two years later, I understand how much I had no idea about what was going on, the tricks and technique involved.

but as Studio mentioned above, starting with the simple stuff, the frontstyle bind, it’s a great way to put a yoyo in someone’s hand, teach the front bind and if the guy -or gal- can do it, move onto the brain twister, maybe you’ll hook them up.

In yoyoing, the more the merrier :wink:

there’s this guy in France, in about 6/8 months, he founded a club with some kids, now they’re like more than 30 kids playing there when one year ago, there were no one at all.

in my area it’s pretty much the same, we started only being a couple of guys throwing and now we have our small community, we see each other often, teach each other tricks etc…

this is how we’re going to go global. work from the bottom up.

Throwing on a college campus I get a whole bunch of different remarks from people. Any where from omg that’s really cool, to let me see you walk the dog, and the wow what a loser… It’s just what I like to do in between classes that’s all

Ignore the haters.

I’ve been called a lot of things. Then when I hear about them dying from drinking and driving, or a drug over-dose, or other drug and/or alcohol related charges(or issues tied directly to said behavior), or ending up in jail over stupid stuff, I kind of have to wonder “Who is the luzer now”.

However, most people I run across I don’t know what they are doing in their spare time. Those that scoff me are typically people who I think have forgotten what it means to relax, enjoy and have fun. Maybe because I’m 40 and playing with a toy?

It doesn’t bother me. Kids around me like it. Most parents around me like it. Parents will bring their kids up to me to watch. Some will ask questions, most don’t. Today, a kid wanted to know if he could do what I do. I said “sure, if you practice, you can do any of the tricks I can do. In fact, you’ll probably be able to do them better than I can!” Several parents around me agreed that he could definitely do anything I was doing. No clue if the kid has any potential, but he already has a spark of interest. I think I’m gonna bring my Fireball with me tomorrow so he can try it out.

We all have to either hang on to what it is that we do to have fun, whatever it is. Play is important. For those of us who have forgotten, we need to re-learn. Some of us do one thing, some of us do a few things and some of us do many things. We shouldn’t let a few people discourage us from enjoying something we enjoy.

So, tomorrow I will be back at my kids’ school, bumbling my way through tricks like always, and having fun the whole time.

I don’t yo-yo to impress anyone. I do it for the feeling of self accomplishment only

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I yoyo in front of people all day. Mostly it entertains everyone but I still am not doing it for them. Just myself. I find myself centered when I YoYo. Don’t care what anyone else thinks.

On unrelated issue to noonar: that has got to be the best cat avatar I’ve ever seen!

I find that if you have confidence in that your putting together trick combos you feel are going to impress people you probably will, and yuki and hadoq have a good point in saying that some simpler more flashy tricks will be more entertaining, i am a street performer so i can say that from experiance if you warm up your audiance with some simpler tricks, than you can slowly progress towards more technical trocks and you will find their smiles will slowly widen,

keep throwin,

True! I yo-yo in front of others all the time, and surely they are entertained, but im not doing it for their entertainment. Its an escape for me more than anything. Not for anyone but myself.

And thanks, I love this Avatar… Its my profile picture for everything

You mean like how you attempt a “Double or Nothing” and miss the landing and the audience is over impressed even though normal Judges would deduct points for that mistake? No, Disappointment is not it. Its Shame on the “Next Level”.

I mean something such as doing several Eli hops. Many people would see it as just throwing the yoyo up and catching it. However, eli hops can be very difficult, such as someone who yoyos can understand that.

It is the same with ALL skill toys. Even jacks (Yes, I am a master at jacks)
I find constantly when at a party or social event, I pull off my most complicated combos, and wind up with questions like, “So can you walk the dog?”

Anytime somebody says something like, “I could do that!”
I hand them my Fast 201, and they cannot even throw it.
I always carry a cheap yoyo, like a Whip, for noobs who want to try yoyos.
I’ve given away 3 fast 201’s to my friends, and each time I just replace them. The Fast was my first yoyo, afterall.

Haha, yes… So, I was throwing a “fake” laceration (string not in the gap before NTH finger into the loop) and my wife was suitably impressed (it’s not the “easiest” thing to do for me) by it. But then I took it a step further, accurately started throwing the string into the gap with the right speed and distance for a proper bind (not sure what that kind of bind is called) and of course “nothing”. Not that I was expecting her to say “oh, cool, you did that bind with one hand!” (well, maybe a little) but that’s just an example of the fact that not every subtlety of yoyoing is visible to the layman. :wink:

To the layman: “Yeah, the yoyo came back to your hand. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?” :smiley:

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Actually that has never happened to me. :-\ I do something like grandma kimmit sandwich and people are like “OMG, I would have ended up in a knot by now.” But impressive? Not till I do Eli hops. I do eli hops and their jaw his the floor. It’s like all other tricks fall short to eli hops. I’m like “really, seriously?” ???

I gave a fh2 And pro z to my friend and hes learning to throw

I don’t purposely throw in front of people.

I do when I am at a party. :confused:

Why would you do that at a party…