Pay it forward silenus

I propose we give him a bit more time, Life Happens…

and if he doesn’t reply soon we burn him at the stake for yoyo heresy… oh. Ooops That’s not what I ment to say.

What I ment to say, is if he doesn’t reply soon, I’ll volunteer to do some digging and pitch one in to keep the thread alive if there’s still interest. I love these pay-it-forwards, and I hate when they get stalled out!


Hope its not a similar play out to the “String Fling” saga.


That “String Fling” sounded like a nightmare… I’m glad I was lurking in the shadows and not attempting to twist threads until callouses consumed my fingertips.

Honestly, everyone who sent in strings should have sent the guy bills or invoices in the mail. I doubt he would have paid them, but hey, at least the guilt may have stacked up. :rofl:


@MattB should have his physical address, but if someone can figure out his PayPal address it would be funny to send a money request for the value of the Silenus.

Does he have any transactions on the BST forum?



He’s been a forum member since ‘09, which would lead me to believe there’s a reasonable explanation for his absence.

I mean, with all the curses we put on this yoyo, I sure wouldn’t want to be the one to end the chain.


PM sent to @dizzo.
Hopefully just a head slap, “Oh yeah!” moment for Isaac and nothing serious.


Looking at his track record I honestly don’t think he would steal a 35 dollar yoyo. I feel like something could really be wrong. I just hope he is okay


Would the curses make it the first DarkMagic3?

hey all,

sorry for the radio silence, i really dropped the ball on this. first off i want to say that i sincerely appreciate all of the concern, it is very touching. i don’t want to delve into the details of the personal issues i’ve been dealing with but the tl;dr is i spent january coping with them in a very unhealthy way which has resulted in me beginning the process of moving cross country to be closer to family; to say the least yo-yoing/forums/the silenus has not been in the forefront of my mind and i kept putting dealing with the silenus on the backburner. the more i procrastinated dealing with it the more anxious i became dealing with it, snowballing into the situation here.

regardless of the personal circumstances that lead to me holding onto it for longer than intended, i did make sure to ship the silenus + everything in the box to my family though, so i am ready to send it out to the next person who posts “I’ll take it” immediately.

to try and help make amends for messing up this for i will also be including a pay-it-forward yo-yo of my own for people to pass around. i hope it helps make things fun again and brings more joy to this forum as it and the yoyo community has brought me countless joy over the last 15 ½ years.

thank you all, sorry for making this fun idea not fun and worrying for people.

here’s the message from the rules, my deepest apologies for my “month” being more like 2.5.


I’ll take it.


The chain has been made whole and the curse has been lifted. Or something.

Take care of yourself.


Yay! Thanks isaac!


Totally respect the honesty.

Keep your head up and push through hard times.

Only the strong, weak, sorta strong, sorta weak, mediocre, constipated, innocent, grifting, positive, pathetic, good, bad, ugly and confident survive when they put one foot in-front of the other everyday.

Hey, I guess that covers just about everyone… huh, I guess the key to life is just keep swimming. :cowboy_hat_face::+1:


glad to hear you are OK. that’s the important thing here. yoyo’s can be replaced.

i hope everything is getting better for you.



Glad you’re back, sending out some positive vibes!!!


Wooooooot! The game’s afoot once again!



The goods made it to my place, and I’ve been having an absolute blast. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: You (yes you) keep an eye out for updates to come.


Because this is the Silenus thread I have an opinion question for all of you fans out there… and perhaps this deserves its own thread, but…

I’m not big on owning duplicates, however I’m thinking about buying a second Silenus second hand. Mostly because I’m worried they might stop releasing the Silenus. I haven’t seen any instock anywhere for awhile…

Has anyone seen any signs of this?

I’d just ask ‘em via direct message on instagram. I’ve heard they’re a manufacturer/machine shop for other companies’ as well as their own products, so it seems unlikely they’ll stop making one of their popular designs.


Wow this is cool that u all did this ha i own a silenus too. Maybe i should do one. . . A bimetal throw to payit4ward