Pay it Forward - Motion YoYo - Centrifugal

Are you kidding me?! I double checked multiple times. @yoyojoe was the Centrifugal in the Motion yoyo plastic can or a white paper box? I’m sorry! I can send you guys labels to print out and send to each other.

It’s seems as if fate would have it that @yoyojoe tries Centrifugal, we don’t want to mess up fate lol!!!


Just wanted to post some thoughts about this before its sent off to the next person tomorrow. My first impression of it was a light, fast, oversized throw. It reminded me a bit of the JT Kagerou with it’s large size and wide rims. It has great stability and spin times while being comfy in the hand. The rim weight feels pretty spread out so it doesn’t have a traditional heavy rimed yoyo feel. It’s just a fun easy going yoyo. Also really love the colorway on this one!

I’m not much of a bimetal guy but this is a quality piece and I look forward to future releases! Just thought I would pitch an idea but I would love a mono al version of this.


That’s for the valuable feedback, it’s always encouraging to see feedback both positive and constructive criticism. I will tell you we have a nice monometal lined up for release later this year if prototypes turn out nicely.

Looking forward to seeing this continually passed - thanks @yoyojoe


@Shwa did you get this yet by chance?

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Yes, sir. It showed up yesterday.


@Shwa any thoughts on it?

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I love it!! Pure performance and a looker at that!!! Beautiful piece for sure.

I’m certainly enjoying my time with it.


Excellent thanks for the feedback!!


Hello, Team.

Am I correct in that @Chrizsmh13 is up next?

Thank you @JEA86 letting me take’r for a ride. Beautiful design!


@Chrizsmh13 is up next please reach out to @Shwa in 24 hours to claim

@Shwa any final thoughts good or bad?

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Sounds good - just sent PM


Just in that I wish I had the skill to really put Centrifugal through its paces. This yoyo is just solid, super stable and seems like it wants to go for days. I’m not a speed combo type of player but I’d love to see someone rip this one. Its got that special presence on the sting. Indeed, a very fine piece of work so thank you again.


Centrifugal is traveling to the next destination. Have fun y’all.


Arived safe and sound! Haven’t had a whole lot of time to play with it just yet, but my first impression is that this feels more floaty than a lot of the yo-yos that are in my usual rotation - it’s really nice!

Also, I realized that the response on this is much snappier than the rest of my throws (the majority of them being had from BST), which leads me to belive that I either need to adapt to/embrace this new style (and change out pads on mine), or be okay with completely unresponsive yo-yos after giving this one my time.

When my wife saw this one, she immediately said “Oh WOW - that’s GORGEOUS!!”


Awesome look forward to hearing even more feedback when you get more time with it / thank you for participating :slight_smile: glad you like it so far!!

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Super rough, but my initial play with this is great! Like I said earlier, I’m still trying to get used to a snappier response system (mine muat all be worn out and old, which makes sense since I’ve never really been able to do ‘cool binds’).

Even though they didn’t represent like they should have, I proudly wear my 49ers shirt, lol.

PIF - Centrifugal

Im definitely not the fastest, but this thing wants to MOVE!


Thanks for sharing - looked awesome!

Really glad you are enjoying it, the YoYo loves to move and will pace itself with you, I like the ability to be able to throw it super chill, but at the same time pushing it super hard and fast and it won’t give up.

It’s one of the most versatile and balanced designs we have done. We try and incorporate that into our designs

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Totally agree - it’s got that nice balance when you throw it - kinda reminds me of a more classic muscle car - it can just cruise if you’re not looking to do anything crazy, but it can straight up FLOOR IT when you wanna MOVE. :+1:


Awesome combo!
Muscle car is a great description of Centrifugal!