Hello all!! With Alchemik yoyos first drop coming soon (looking like late Feb/ early March) i’ve decided i want to pay it forward so other’s can try out this beauty. This is not coming from Alchemik, this is my personal yoyo that Alchemik sent me for testing. (It tested amazing) as you can see, it is a little beat up from 3A. I did not do 5a on this one, but that said, please don’t be scared to really play this thing hard because it can take it. My other one that i do use for 5A has taken on HARD slams and it’s still butter smooth.
54mm, titanuim, D bearing, 62 grams… this thing rips.
So… who’s wants to try it first? 2 weeks per player as per usual.
BindWithMe - played
rkalajian - played
Upmanyu - played
yoyojoe - played
Shwa - played
JosiahR - played
TryCatchThrow - played
Yoyoxcellence - skipped
Simyo - played
JSERR - Skipped
Sammy_j - played
13: Lido - played
14: Captrogers - played
Solemn_kaizoku - played
16: ironical_monocle1 - played
17: reverend - skipped
18: safetypin - played
19: yoyo4Life90 - sent to, no word.
20: cowmamba
21: dragonfruittea
Sweet!!! Hyped at this response! I’m at work but i will add the list to the post in a couple hours and send this baddie out asap!! You guys will love it! I sure have!
And this is them after i finally landed it. Lol the one on the left is what will be sent out. The one on the right is my 5A Tyrant and it has significantly more damage, but is still smooth, it’s wild.
Like i said, don’t be afraid to play this thing hard. i would be hyped to see some 5a with it. I ask that you don’t smash it on the ground on purpose, but if you REALLY want to see it spark… go ahead, just don’t destroy it so everyone gets a chance to enjoy it. Though, you’d be hard pressed to break this thing.
And here’s the sweet video we made of the Tyrants in action! These are prototypes, but we decided that no changes needed to be made as it’s plays awesome the way it is.
List is updated! Looks like i wont be getting this back for a looong time but that’s ok! We can keep it going so everyone can try! Not many chances to try a Titanium or D bearing and this is both so i’m happy to make that happen for everyone!
Tyrant is on it’s way to @BindWithMe !!! Fit in the DD Monarch container perfectly, so let’s keep that container with it for protection on this long journey. Can’t wait to see what you guys think of this thing!
Snuck out at lunch to grab the mail when I seen the Tyrant arrived days early. First impression is this has to be the easiest yoyo to get a clean and super fast breakaway I’ve tried. I figure the D bearing has a lot to do with that feeling since I’ve never thrown one. Also new to getting first hand experience with that sweet Ti ting, it’s incredibly satisfying for sure. Our friend @Beverchakus supplied us with some counter weights to try out as well, I’m brushing up on my 5a a bit before I have a go at it with the Tyrant to keep it as nice as I can for the next person. I have a lot of free time this holiday to spend with it so I’ll have some better comments on it in the coming days. So far the clean breakways, the tug at the end of the string feeling unique, and it seeming to go exactly where I want it to go during hops and rolls all really stand out to me so far.
Sweet! @BindWithMe those CWs are yours to keep! Unless you want to pass them along. Keep at least one though. Two weeks from now is Jan 4th. Then it
It’s off to @rkalajian